Mibba: The Land of Vapid Romance and Fantasy Fiction (REDUX) - Comments

  • Prednom- No problem, man. I didn't look at it that way either, until someone else pointed it out to me (I was hating on people who watch reality TV). Also, sorry for the errors- I'm not wearing my glasses, so I can't see what I've written very well.
    January 9th, 2012 at 03:11am
  • I can honestly say I've never written any of those kinds of stories...but I also don't write fiction much. =/ I more focus on poetry. But I can understand where you're coming from. This isn't just online--look at a lot of Young Adult literature. Or have you heard the term "genre fiction?" I hadn't, until my Fiction class in college, but it's basically when there's a set genre--i.e., paranormal romance, murder mystery, etc.--that has hundreds of books that are all pretty much the same within their genre, that get published like crazy because if people like one a lot of times they want to read more like it. The same phenomenon occurs in published fiction, too, like you wouldn't believe.
    January 9th, 2012 at 03:08am
  • You know I didn't really look at it that way spacejunkie, I tip my hat to you.
    January 9th, 2012 at 03:06am
  • I could kind of see where you were coming from with your first entry, and I applaud you for coming back and apologising to everyone you offended. You went about it the wrong way, but in essense, I think what you were mostly trying to encourage people to be more original and creative. That's not such a bad intention to have.

    I think the main thing to remember here is that Mibba might be a creative writing site, but it's not a site that's only for writers of serious, original fiction to further their work. A lot of people here aren't being vapid, they're just having some fun. They don't have the same goals that you do, and they're not here to appreciate the same things. That doesn't mean they're not capable of appreciating serious concepts, or that they don't do it elsewhere. Just because somebody like Twilight (while it is awful), doesn't mean they're an idiot. Maybe they have a very serious, demanding life overall, and want to do silly things in their leisure time to escape that. Reading and writing are similar outlets in that way.
    January 9th, 2012 at 03:01am