Women disgust me... - Comments


    motheerrrr knowss best.
    They already have the sequel coming out in February.
    January 10th, 2012 at 03:42am
  • I'm liked. Lol.
    Am I liked for liking chicken, or liked for liking non-damsels in non-distress?
    THAT SH-T.
    January 10th, 2012 at 03:30am
  • So Mi Shught Agreed, its like come on, you aren't that morally sound to be distraught over shop lifting, and if you are...well I wouldn't like you anyway xD.

    Thank you thank you :3

    MissSimplyThis No, no it does! I suppose I was one of those myself. I think its cute you go to work shops! I wish I had resources like that in high school...

    Alex follese;, DAMN SKIPPY IT IS. I already like you. I love girls who save themselves, I think its much better than sitting in a dusty dungeon, giving up on life. Most older Disney Princess' are guilty of this (not that I dislike the movies, I'm a total sheep for Disney regardless >.<) I did like Tangled though.Her character was way to cute to dislike.

    Langbon Men are easier for me to write as well. I don't know if that's do to social impact or because I just get masculine emotions, good or bad, they are just more clear! YOU MAKE HIM SOUND SO Appealing! Honestly ^-^, it makes me wanna go check your stuff out.
    January 10th, 2012 at 02:56am
  • I like writing very charismatic characters. I think my favourite character ever was a man who had a very grandiose attitude and was sort of delusional about how his life was going. I like quirky, sort of mad characters with a good sense of humor. Sociopathic characters can be interesting, too, but the non-violent kind. It's challenging.
    January 10th, 2012 at 02:42am
  • Chicken is the SH-T!

    1. I think my favorite to read would be the damsel who gets herself out of the distress, but to write I love writing just about any character. Martyrs (a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering, those kinds) and men the most. Idk why but I love writing for men. It's really simple to me.

    2. I hate characters like Tibalt from R&J. Hate. I mean I literally cannot stand them. They will ruin a book for me, I swear. Just something about them. The way they instigate and don't have to take the blame.

    3. I thought the ending GIF was Brendon Urie. *sigh* I love you you fine, fine british man...
    January 10th, 2012 at 02:36am
  • I like making or reading about characters who seem to be one thing on the outside, but on the inside they completely decieve you.

    The reason I enjoy this is because it kind of represents a life lesson I've been trying to teach everyone around me. Saying that every body deserves chances, deserves kindness and compassion no matter their past crimes because you never know who they truly are until you walk a mile in their shoes. Cheesy, but it's so true.

    I did a workshop once where we were put into groups of people from different grades, races, relgions, grades, with four to five people in each group and for seven hours all we did is get to know these people. And I have to say the things I learned from them made me cry. There was a freshmen who I had heard things about that i was in a group with and his home life was so hard I ended up crying and hugging him to no end. That's what I like my characters to represent. I want my character to be the cute, odd ball who is so sweet and has a bad home life yet still comes to school positive. Does that make sense? No? Ok. :)
    January 10th, 2012 at 02:22am
  • I love writing the goody-goody who has a dark past. Like, someone others see as this wonderful person, but who really has much to repent for and is humble in their shame. Or, like you, the one who does bad, knows it, and likes it.

    I can't stand the melodramatic whiner type characters. Those such as, "Oh, I stole this and did this. I'm such a terrible person. Oh, how can I go on?" That's just... unnecessary.

    I love your ending gif. ^_^ And the formatting issues are driving me insane. I hope it gets fixed soon. Oh, and happy first journal entry! :D
    January 10th, 2012 at 02:20am