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  • AVKobra

    AVKobra (100)

    Wow. That's so unbelievably sad and terribly unfair :( I'm very sorry that your friend is having to go through this. It's hard to come face to face with the mortality of those we love and care about, even harder when we feel like it's completely out of our hands.

    You know it's funny, when something like cancer enters the picture, it can seem like nothing else matters. Petty arguments, minor frustrations, small grievances... they can disappear in the blink of an eye when the big 'C' is introduced. And I think that's a testament to what truly matters to people.

    Something that could potentially take away the beauty of life and living and being with those we love is so scary.

    The only way for you to help her is to ease her fears. Do fun things with her that take her mind off things, let her lean on you for support and never stop having faith that God will take care of such a wonderful person. Love is the best medicine for the heart and mind in moments of terror or sadness and my advice is that you shower her with it, though I'm sure you already are.

    And don't feel powerless- having someone who's there for you during the tough times is so valuable and I can see you care very much for your friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and with her!
    February 13th, 2012 at 07:48am