Everything Plants Series: VI. Plant Diseases - Comments

  • v; I really don't know much about cross breeding, but I might research it or something and do a journal later. :)

    Yes, haha, I'm sure I mean normal juicing. Jalapeno sounds like a good idea, and I want to try cucumber with stuff as well.

    And thanks!
    February 8th, 2012 at 12:15pm
  • I'd be interested in plant grafting or cross breeding. Cause All of a sudden one branch on my grandmas tangerine tree started to produce lemons except they where lemons that peeled easy like tangerines. And now it's permanently like that.

    If you mean juicing like normal juicing? my fav veggies would be cucumber celery tomato and carrot with a little jalapeno. Usually I like juicing fruits more. But maybe you mean something else?

    I find all this info cool =]
    February 7th, 2012 at 11:26pm