An international question I face : What do girls want? - Comments

  • I'm on youtube mainly for music, comedy, Kiryu and Royz interviews. . . mainly things that we don't have access to in Australia ^^

    What kind of websites does a girl like to visit? I like to visit. . . this website, facebook, mangareader, dubbinz, subbinz. . . a lot of anime/manga themed websites. . . and also eBay and online stores ^^

    What kind of websites does a girl tend to stay away from? Websites that contain viruses, or too many pop-ups. I avoid porn websites (obviously. . .) and fan websites about Justin Beiber, One Direction and all that. . . ^^

    What do you look for in a website? Comedy, umm. . . free access to things. Things to do with my interests, basically ^^ Or something to do with the Sex Pistols or SHINee ^^

    What kind of advertising catches the eye of a girl? Prices reduced on band tees, anything to do with music (only the kinds I like), anything to do with Asia, or anything to do with food. ^^

    If you saw a sexy guy in a picture or a really pretty girl, which one would you rather click on and why? Sexy guy. But the only sexy guy for me is Isshiki Hiyori. He is gorgeous ^^ He's the bassist for the Visual Kei band, Kiryu ^^
    February 12th, 2012 at 03:40am
  • Personally I'm on youtube mostly for music videos. My second favorite thing on youtube are videos about martial arts cause I'm a martial artists and I'm just curious to see how other people learn and progress. Another would be instruction videos on anything. Everyone likes funny videos but i also like videos that relate to culture or spirituality cause it's fun to learn new stuff from other perspectives.

    I'm not very big on using the internet I visit YouTube and Mibba daily I also go on Gaiaonline frequently the other sites I go to are anime related. But I do sometimes read blogs that are comical yet informative.

    I avoid websites with too much advertising or pop ups. I like easy navigation. Not something too noisy I've been to sites before and right when the page loads there's this random sound or music playing and you don't know where it's coming from.

    I guess just easy navigation and for it to preform or look like the creator put at least a little effort in to it's organization or topics. I do like to make friends and I like websites that have sections for things I'm interested in or with a friendly vibe.

    As for advertising I'd probably say cute clothes. Male underwear models lol. Music ads for albums certain artists or bands. Or any clothing line by a musician. Video Game ads. I like ads for books and guitar stuff. I don't mind ads for energy drinks. ... i think it has to fit the website though. Like if it's a music website it makes sense to advertise musicians and products for or from musicians but it would annoy me to see some unrelated cooking ad lol.

    Sexy guy or pretty girl... I can't decide. How about both lol It would depend on my mood.
    February 9th, 2012 at 02:02am
  • I like to go on Youtube and watch videos of babies laughing. They make me happy. idk.
    February 9th, 2012 at 01:02am
  • 1. Mostly music videos, fan made videos, shows, movies (clips), comedy stuff, people I've subscribed too, opinion pieces, news stories, etc.
    2. I visit mostly writing websites, social networking sites, music sites, movie sites, and random message board sites. Oh, and magazine sites.
    3. Does it have what I want to see? Will this burn time or be useful to me in anyway?
    4. Nice colors, not super bright neon green, hot pink, bright yellow colors. Something I can read easily.
    5. Guy, because I like guys.
    February 9th, 2012 at 12:41am