I agree with all you guys, and thanks for not thinking it's crazy :p But yeah, I went through and changed all of my passwords to something that only my parents and I know (I didn't do that on purpose, it just ended up that way).
I keep all my passwords the same for the same reason, lol, but for important things, like my online bank account, I change it. but that's not crazy at all for you to change it, it's a good idea actually.
srsly, I like that Facebook will let you reactivate it without problem, but they should have like a one week limit on that. like, after it's been deactivated for a week, it will be permanently gone. just so things like that wouldn't happen, you know?
That isn't crazy, I would change them all to something really random and if you need to keep a note only you can read to have access to it. I mean, something veryyyy random like 2257Yagfadog44340 Haha, yeah because I've had that happen to me as well. I would definitely do something of that sort.