Overcoming. - Comments

  • PurpleStain

    PurpleStain (100)

    Neutral Zone
    I'm so sorry this has happened to you, I really am.
    I know how badly it can hurt, or how haunting the memories can be and how they can affect every single minute of every single day of your life.
    But you have nothing to be ashamed of. None of it was your fault and those boys will get what's coming to them, sooner or later - mark my words.

    I know how hard it is, but I want to tell you not to hold the hurt inside.
    Let it out, no matter how often and intense you feel it, just let it out, all the anger, pain, disgust and the hate that you feel - don't hide it, don't push it down, just let it out - in teas or screams, in art, in writing, and talk to someone about it.
    Just don't hold it inside you, because it will nibble at your soul in ways you wouldn't even realize.
    It's an awful experience to live through, but in the end it makes you all that stronger. I know because I have been there, and if I could put it all behind me, so will you, I believe in you!
    And you, my dear, are strong. Much, much stronger than you think, I hope you know that...
    If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to message me, I'm happy to listen. :)
    March 3rd, 2012 at 10:24pm
  • xHopeNotLostx

    xHopeNotLostx (105)

    You can get throught it!
    Shame to the one who hurt you.
    They obviously can't see the worth in people
    March 3rd, 2012 at 08:38pm