I read the most disturbing article today...(about porn and sex and possibly a little TMI) - Comments

  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    v I completely agree--I'm completely pro-porn in general. I just never quite realized until I read this just how abusive the industry is. I guess I never really thought much about what goes on behind-the-scenes.

    I'll be the first one to stand up and oppose when people start rampaging about how porn hurts families and shouldn't exist. But sh-t like this shouldn't happen either. It's just heartbreaking and disturbing.
    March 4th, 2012 at 06:22am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    This is always argument as someone who is against the porn industry. I always get labelled as being against porn itself, but it's the mainstream industry that's fucked up. There's nothing morally wrong with the idea of pornography in my opinion as someone who is pro-sex. But it's shit like this that happens that pisses me off.

    The majority of porn is very male-centred. It's meant for men to get off on because of the patriarchy. Women don't enjoy sexual pleasure because this is a view people have been holding onto for centuries yadda yadda. So that's why it's very doubtful that women get any pleasure from what's happening. I know especially BDSM porn is problematic with this because submissive women are typically in the submissive role because they're women, not because the actors themselves enjoy it, or are portraying that they do.

    But the fact that women are abused in the industry (all sex work, really) is really disgusting. And I'm sure it happens to men as well in gay porn, but the abuse of women is much more prominent.

    There's probably more I want to say, but I think you just inspired me to write my own journal on this.
    March 4th, 2012 at 06:20am