Getting Over Someone - Comments

  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    you are completely right darling. giving a part of yourself to someone just proves how vulnerable you are too them. i did this once two years ago and am doing it once again.

    two years ago i gave up my best and only friend. she had taken a part of me. she built me up to be a strong and confident young woman and the minute she left she took that and shoved me into the depths of lord knows what and i've been stuck ever since. it's scarring because i can't trust anyone the way i used to. i have become a shell of myself.

    currently i have fallen in love with a friend i had made prior to my last one. she lives in colorado and will be coming to visit me this summer. i am a lesbian and she is confused, stuck in her own sexual confusions as well. it's tough but i'm glad you understand. thankfully i'm not alone.

    i will check out that link by the way
    March 5th, 2012 at 01:27am