Allowing myself to be a stupid teenage girl for 15 min - Comments

  • I love the insight you have into this... You remind me of myself in many ways...

    My love story: my best guy friend of two years. Developed a crush on him in October. He chose another girl over me, they broke up. One day playing truth or dare, we were dared to make out. Later that night, he's all sweet on facebook and telling me how he chose the wrong girl. We begin being couplely. When I got the courage to ask him out, he told me about how this other girl liked him, and how he kinda liked her too.

    About a month ago, a mutual friend of ours took her life. We were there for each other and stuff. Anyways, he pulls me aside and begins to kiss me. We've been a happy non-couple ever since?
    March 8th, 2012 at 08:13am
  • But do I think we are programmed at birth or "destined" to fall for a specific person? No I do not. It's all based on your actions and a few actions of others the people you bring in to your life and the judgments you make about them.
    March 8th, 2012 at 08:13am
  • In certain ways you chose who you love but you don't relize you love them untill it's usualy too late this goes for friends and intimate relationships. It's also possible to love and be attracted to more than one person at a time but at that point it's a choice of who you are going to be with.

    My current b/f and I met online we weren't best friends or really close or anything it literally started out that we just had really good conversations and a lot in common. We talked every day for 6 months at that point we debated taking things further then another 6ish months later we met in person and committed to each other. We don't really fight the most that's ever happened is one of us will get emotional about a topic take our time get over it and we are ok again.
    March 8th, 2012 at 08:10am