What Peeves Me - Comments

  • Sapphire Eternity

    Sapphire Eternity (100)

    I'm almost at that time of the month. I can feel it starting with the cramps and I feel like yelling about stuff that I normally wouldn't yell about and I am also in a gumpy, tired mood.

    Who ever this "friend" is of yours, they don't sound like a very nice person to you my dear. It's not fair that yhey stood you up like that, like who wouldn't want to hang out with such a beautiful awsome person like you? I'm sorry that that person is being a butt head to you.

    I hope you get feeling better soon women <3 I love you!! *Hugs* And... I'm here if you EVER need to talk to me. You can call me or text me or message me on here or Facebook. It would probably be better if you texted me though I have found anew habit of taking forever to comment back on here or return messages on facebook.

    I hope your day starts getting better :)
    March 8th, 2012 at 02:46pm