Need advice/opinions. - Comments

  • When I got a BF I stopped writing so much. I need to get back in the habit. I have started writing more since we broke up.

    Its hard to start writing again tho, because my ex comes over everyday when he is in town. I HATE THAT! But we're "friends" and I have to be nice. But he pisses me off and I don't want him over EVERYDAY and he doesn't need to know what time I work everyday. Its not so easy to tell him to leave. He gets pissed off and takes everything so offensively.
    March 9th, 2012 at 07:15am
  • Haha, I'm lucky I remembered my password! I forgot I still had some of my writing on here. When I left I deleted mostly everything I guess except the drabbles. I forgot how much I liked them.
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:17am
  • Funny thing, I'm in the exact same situation. I let mibba go for quite a while and just within the hour opened a new account to revisit my once favorite website.
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:16am
  • Alex, I actually originally came back here just now to see if there had been any changes yet. Kinda surprised there hasn't been lol
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:11am
  • Yes, I think you were too. I think coming back to Mibba is a good idea. I just read through the Drabbles I used to write and remembered how much I liked the challenge of making sure its just 100 words. Feed back is always good as well, I feel I've gotten a little rusty.
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:10am
  • I think it just depends on what area of Mibba you spend most of your time on.

    Also, it may be a false alarm or it could mean something, Mibba's Facebook page is blowing up with info about the new Mibba. I'm hoping two weeks ends in two days.
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:09am
  • I don't know about if you should give Mibba another try because that really depends on how you feel about the web site, not how you feel about writing. But I say, yes, give writing another try.

    Make yourself write. Give yourself a deadline. Tell yourself that you're going to hammer out 1,000 words a week if it kills you, and if at the end of the week you haven't done it, sit down and write utter crap that you can revise later, as long as you're writing. Look up writing prompts online. Find anything and everything that inspires you.

    Set yourself a schedule, a certain time of day every day where you can surround yourself with whatever makes you more comfortable, and grab your computer and/or pen and paper and write. Freewrite whatever comes to mind until you start pulling at a story or a poem. Whatever it takes.

    And, if you feel like Mibba would be a useful place to pull from for inspiration or feedback, then by all means give it another try. =)

    I remember you, by the way. I'm pretty sure I was on that other writing site you made. I'd forgotten until I saw the journal about it to the right of the comment box.
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:07am