complaints, questions, and new stories! - Comments

  • Terriermon

    Terriermon (100)

    United States
    XD two comments from the same person!! Me!!! :D

    You're welcome! :P

    I would suggest advertising in the forums but god know who even bothers with those anymore. It's like you have to popular or something to even get readers now and days. How annoying! But the population is high school people so..../insult.

    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my weekend consisted of working with my ever so cutie pies Zacky Poo!!!!! It made me happy to see him at work! DAY BRIGHTENER!!!!


    1. Good and annoying
    2. Yeah the weather is picking up. My mom told me it was going to be like around seventy all this week
    3. Already did as you mentioned the two comments by the same person XD
    March 12th, 2012 at 03:16am