Really need some advice guys and maybe a good let down line? - Comments

  • Soulless.Temptation

    Soulless.Temptation (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you.
    That is actually quite helpful.
    Maybe he does do these things for attention.
    Either way I already have one actual child I don't need another that puts my baby in danger.

    Like just now about ten mins ago.
    He says I'm off to bed so I say can you move your smoking stuff into the kitchen out of Nathans way ready for the morning and he says okay one minute. I've just gone into the bedroom and he is asleep so looks like I'm cleaning up after him as well. It's not like I ask him to much it's all pretty basic. Sigh.

    Sorry I started ranting again aha. Deepest apologies.

    March 18th, 2012 at 03:10am
  • Gia De La Muerte

    Gia De La Muerte (150)

    United States
    It kinda sounds like he does these things to get your attention already, but maybe that's just me, cause if you're not really the affectionate type. However I can see how he could be quite frustrating. Perhaps you could just try to tell him straight if you don't want him to try to prove himself. It's not fair if he disregards you that way. I'm sorry if I'm no help at all :/ but whatever you decide to do, just make you're happy in the end cause you deserve to be. Hope it all works out.
    March 18th, 2012 at 02:58am