Sigh. - Comments

  • =/ Maybe I'm just really lucky to have someone who appreciates the mushy stuff, but if you pour your heart out to him like that and he just ignores it...I dunno, I can't blame you for having a problem with it. =/ I mean, even if he's not into the romantic stuff, because some people aren't, acknowledgment would have been nice. =/
    March 20th, 2012 at 06:26pm
  • I know, I tell him eeeeeverything that's on my mind when something isn't right. This is the first time I have not been able to speak about being upset with him.

    I just actually feel stupid. *sniff* I need a bowl of.. Crackers. I love crackers.

    And yes, thank you. Just the fact that she spoke, was good enough for me.
    March 20th, 2012 at 12:22pm
  • Boys are idiots sometimes. With them, we have to assume that nothing is obvious. It seems very obvious to you and me that you're upset about his not acknowledging your "I Love You" thing, but to him, it's not. You're gonna have to tell him you're upset. I bet if he asks why, you'll think "Isn't it obvious??" But it's not. Boys need someone to hold their hand and help them when entering the female mind. :))

    That's kind of good news about your sister. Even if it's really small, at least there's some progress.
    March 20th, 2012 at 12:18pm