Another random survey - Comments

  • variante.

    variante. (100)

    Thought I'd take this since I'm exceptionally bored right now. :P

    1. Three things I want to say to three different people.
    Alejo: You're an ass; don't go out with Natasha if you don't sincerely like her. I don't want her to get her heart broken. Oh, and if she cries, I'm punching your lights out.
    Sofia: We've never gone out, but we were once best friends. And I know I said I was over you, and that I've moved on, but I still love you. Everyday I think about you.
    Brandi: You're a girl I treasure, and I wish I could just punch all those boys who only like you for your breasts and your ass. Because you're more than that, y'know?

    2. One of my insecurities.
    My body

    3. What turns me on.
    Same as you; ass grabbing, lip biting, etc.

    4. One of my bad habits.
    Nail-biting. Still trying to break the habit.

    5. Who I wish I could be.
    No one, really. I'm fine with who I am.

    6. Where I want to be right now.
    Friggin' Narnia.

    7. The last thing I ate.
    Fries and a burger

    8. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately.
    Rachel Weisz

    9. What song I’m currently listening to.
    Under The Sheets by Ellie Goulding (Baby Master Remix)

    10. The last time I cried and why..
    Two years ago, over a girl who broke my heart.

    11. Something I’m excited about.
    My trip to California this year.

    12. 5 things I like about myself and 5 things I dislike about myself.
    Things I like: Dislike:
    .- My intelligence - My body
    - My face - My self-esteem
    - My family - I'm not all that handsome :/
    - My hair - I don't get along with others easily
    - My personality - My stress problems

    13. Three things I want right now.
    - Pepsi. Or Sprite. Maybe Coke.
    - That PS3 I've been saving up for :D
    - All the Uncharted games!

    14. Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you, where’s it from?
    Not at the moment, but I last wore my shark tooth necklace.

    15. How long was your last phone conversation?
    Hah, 30 seconds.

    16. What are you looking forward to?
    My family's annual trip to Disney during the Summer.

    17. Did you get anything off your chest today?
    No - hardly do, actually.

    18. How many rings do you usually wear?
    None. They're annoying to wear.

    19. Would you rather go to Canada or California on vacation?

    20. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pajama pants?
    Pajama pants ;D

    21. Do you call it fall or autumn?
    Both, but I like using Autumn better. It sounds more poetic.

    22. Are you an emotional person?
    Unfortunately, yes.

    23. It’s 2 in the morning and you get a text message, who is it most likely from?
    My... uh... friend, I guess.

    24. Do you like long car rides?
    They're bearable, but I tend to fall asleep during them.

    25. Do you have an adult you can talk to about anything?

    26. Last time you saw your dad?
    14 years ago.

    27. Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?

    28. Do you do your own laundry?

    29. Would you like the ability to read minds?
    What you said :P

    30. Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?

    31. You’re thinking about a certain person right now, aren’t you?
    Not really; though I am thinking of multiple people.

    32. What will you be doing in five years?
    Not sure yet, but I wish I did know.

    34. Last 2 people to text you?
    Uh, not sure. I haven't texted since I was twelve.

    35. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
    Don't know yet. I'm edging towards Gender Therapist, though.

    36. Do you like to cuddle?

    37. When angry, do you get loud or quiet?
    Both - it really depends on the person.

    38. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed on the lips?
    Haven't kissed anyone. Ever. Though I'd like to.

    39. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?
    Yeah - twice.

    40. How’s your hair right now?
    Damp. And disheveled.
    March 28th, 2012 at 02:11am