letter for the Day of Silence - Comments

  • Mrs.Katsumi.Grinch

    Mrs.Katsumi.Grinch (100)

    United States
    This is the first year I've missed this day I am very sad about this..

    I agree with your letter but you know the day of silence isn't just for the LGBT them they selfs have even said its also a way to stand against bullies and personally I think its the wrong way to things but a great way to show the ones who face this their not alone..

    I say its bad because being silent about it doesn't help but I was bullied so I know voicing it doesn't help either I actually wish that some one would have practicipated in this when I needed it so I would know that the silent one where suppourting me you know if that makes sense at all, I'm just glad people have found a way to suppourt and stand up for each other
    April 21st, 2012 at 06:04am
  • May Lewis

    May Lewis (100)

    United States
    I agree so much with this journal. People just need to learn to respect others. I spent the whole day politely explaining to people who were being rude, until I finally snapped because this one girl was harrassing the people who did choose to participate.

    I choose not to participate, although I have a lot of respect for those who do. I get that the message behind it is to ignore people's comments and form solidarity, but I feel like gay rights are something that should be spoken out and I refuse to stay silent when someone uses derogative terms against me or anyone else, so I always end up breaking the vow.
    April 21st, 2012 at 05:06am
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    OMFG I thought it was the 22nd. Are you kidding? It's been the 20th the whole time?

    I remember the first year I participated in this. I was le adamant~
    Before I understood much about my sexuallity or anything going on.

    Thanks for reminding me.
    April 21st, 2012 at 04:46am