Since Some People Were Offended By My Last Journal, I'd Like To Defend My Views And Give You All Some Statistics - Comments

  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    I don't think they were trying to keep people from being offended. I think the author was just trying to defend her point in an inoffensive way.

    And I am pro life as well. It's actually a hard position for me, but I stick to it.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 05:23am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I will once again ask the same question I asked on your last journal that you appear to be refusing to answer, how is abortion murder? Most abortions are performed before the fetus is viable, before it is capable of life. So therefore, before it is viable, it does not have any life because it is not capable of life. Murder is the taking of life. So, by that logic, calling abortion murder simply doesn't make sense. If a fetus is not viable, there is no life to take. Therefore, it cannot be murder if you can't take a life. So if most abortions are performed before the fetus is viable, how is it murder if there is no life to take?

    Your random fact is such a weak argument against abortion and a very silly one at that. Yes, that fetus could have developed into a great human that could have done great things. But at the same time, that fetus could also develop into the next Hitler or Stalin. They could have developed into a human who is purely evil. That "random fact" is for one: not a fact. Two: a very weak "argument". And three: an attempt at guilt-tripping people which is a very reprehensible thing to do.

    On that note, I will say I don't trust your "sources" as they are clearly biased pro-life sites. If you want to give sources, it is best not to give obviously biased and untrustworthy sources. On top of that, I'd also like to mention that women are not incubators and don't deserve to have pregnancy forced upon them. If someone doesn't wish to go through with a pregnancy they should not, under any circumstances, be forced to go through with it anyway. Women are living, thinking, breathing human beings who deserve to have control over their reproductive rights. If you are pro-life with your body, then so be it. It is your body, your choice. But do not think you have a right to force your choice on another woman. You have made the choice to be pro-life with your body, now let other women have a choice with their bodies.

    I'll just make this comment short by saying I agree fully with Kurtni and she said pretty much everything that can be said.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 05:15am
  • hands

    hands (100)

    United States
    tons of people will be offended by unpopular opinions/opinions different from theirs.

    i don't bother. people will always get butthurt over something.
    and to that i say:
    April 22nd, 2012 at 05:02am
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    I don't feel like I have the right to judge others. I will do what I want to do with my own body (which will never include an abortion unless for medical reasons), but I am not sticking my choice where it doesn't belong and isn't welcome.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 04:51am
  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    I was going to write out this long and eloquent essay on this, but Kurtni beat me to the punch. I agree with everything she said, just bravo!
    April 22nd, 2012 at 04:49am
  • AnonymousK

    AnonymousK (100)

    United States
    You can write about anything, and you're going to offend people. Part of being a writer.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 04:48am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    Statistics about abortion and rape are inherently flawed because a woman is not required to provide a reason for getting an abortion, and a large number of rapes go unreported, especially rapes within an abusive relationship. Not to mention your sources are incredibly biased and not conducted by unaffected third party.

    Not being prepared to be a parent means more than financial stress- if you have mental, physical, emotional disorders that make you feel incompetent, no class is going to change that. A class doesn't get rid of chronic depression or physical impairments that bar you from giving a chid the attention it needs. Not to mention that you're assuming there is a selfless, rational person to take the classes, which isn't always the case. Some people are selfish and unwilling to change for a baby, no matter how many resources you provide them with.

    If you happen to be a white female, and you're lucky enough to have a healthy baby, adoption is a great option. If you happen to be a minority or have a child with special needs, adoption is not a great option, and your baby would likely end up in foster care.

    As someone going into neonatal nursing, I think you misunderstand what it means to have your life at risk. Being at risk for certain complications is not the same as having a lethal pregnancy. There are certain conditions (etopic pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, placental clots, etc.) that if a pregnancy is carried out, the mother would die. It's not even a matter of delivering the baby because she wouldn't make it that far, no matter how much she wants the baby. During delivery, a doctor is ethically obligated to do everything to save the mother and child, so getting rid of the baby isn't a realistic option past the third trimester.

    I agree with you 100% on disability though. I mean, there are some conditions that a fetus will inevitably die in utero, and those are very sad, but aborting a fetus for things like Down Syndrome honestly breaks my heart.

    And we absolutely can say scientifically exactly what a fetus is at any given stage, whether it be a clump of cells as a blastula or a semi cognitive, pain feeling fetus. Science can tell us that, but it's morals that decide what to value. Morally, I find abortion to be very saddening, but legally speaking, outlawing abortion does NOT end abortion, it simply makes it more dangerous and disenfranchises women. I'm going into neonatal nursing because I think life is so precious and I want to fight to help every infant I can, but I would never wish a woman to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want.

    And, to your last comment, I don't think that's sound logic, because it could have been a rapist or murderer. There is no telling, and that's irrelevant.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 04:42am