Sleeping is such a humongous waste of time. - Comments

  • Grandiose Delusions

    Grandiose Delusions (150)

    United States
    Umm well I work nights so I guess I can kind of vouch for this haha. I get off at 6 or 7 am so I think that's the longest I can go, maybe 8 o clock. So yes that means I have tried 5 hour energy shots and they are amazing! :P

    I like paranormal things, I'll admit I believe in presences or "ghosts" if you will. I don't know about vampires :P It'd be cool if they were around though...well I mean if they didn't attack me :P I believe in demons and I'll admit those are the ones I don't like talking about.
    April 23rd, 2012 at 04:51pm
  • DarkestStorm

    DarkestStorm (335)

    United States
    I know right? That's why I'm staying up all night. Haha. Just kidding, no, I'd rather be sleeping right now actually. Instead I'm up because I have to write this huge exegetical page that is due at 2:30 and I have other classes before then. It's going to be just great...

    Um...You are tired. You just think you're not because the shots make you think you're not but you're going to eventually crash. And you will be passed out for hours.

    Longest time I've stayed up...two days I think.
    I haven't tried energy shots. I should have bought some earlier though...
    I kind of like paranormal stuff...kind of...Like, uh, involving tv shows...Ghost Whisperer, The Vampire Diaries, possibly others...Mkay, I need to get back to writing my paper...
    April 23rd, 2012 at 10:46am