Thoughts on Fanfiction - Comments

  • I think it's sad that some author's are so harsh on fanfiction. I understand that they wouldn't want anyone to have monetary gain from a world they created, I wouldn't want that either, but to say fanfiction is the "lazy way out" is just mean. It isn't always easy to get into character and stay there, or to even keep up with the many details of fantasy worlds. If anything, fanfiction is a great way for beginning writers to practice. Beginners can practice keeping characters in character, which is something extremely important. I think at first I'd be a little uncomfortable with the idea of other people taking my characters and twisting them around, but some great stuff can come from that sort of thing. I agree with Charity M. Lewis that it fulfills the "what if," but not just for fans, for the author too, if they so wish to read different interpretations.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:57am
  • I like them well written. I don't think they should be able to be published into an actual book though.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:29am
  • I like fanfiction when it's well written, and I especially like to write it. Fanfiction gives a chance to use characters and a setting that is already well constructed for you, and I know I write it sometimes when I feel the need to write but I just cannot come up with my own characters.

    To me, fanfiction is flattering. It shows that there is people out there that are in love with your characters almost as much as you are, and your characters have inspired them.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:22am
  • I normally only ever write fanfictions based off of television shows or movies. But then again, some of those are based off of books as well, so my point is lost.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:10am


    demure - As of right now, I would feel flattered. But I haven't had the experience of crafting characters and seeing them being used in other books.

    charity - I agree with you 100%! there's always a what if/ other possibilities to explore with fanfiction. It just shows the dedication of fans and I would love that so much.

    Rain - I like both, but I write mostly original fiction because writing fan fiction is not a piece of cake! There's the matter of actually trying to get into the canon characters head, incorporating the same characteristics. It's very tricky for me. but yes, some fanfiction are terrible.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:09am
  • passion; There's not many out, but I have come across some. Not just from fiction works, but from video games, etc. And then, like I said, there are the parodies which make fun of some books and such, which can also be published as well.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:06am
  • I love fan-fiction and Original Fiction
    I mean its a good practicing tool for most new writers.
    I use fan-fiction all the time with my own original characters/plots, etc.
    I also love Fan-fiction for the TV show thing, I've been working on 2 Tv Fan-fictions.

    Most don't like them mainly because some are very poor written and stuff like that.
    It all depends on the person.
    But sometimes even in original fiction there are similar plots or ideas which makes me mad. Which makes it a little not even original fiction. it's like frustrating.

    Like what you said I would be flattered too if someone wanted to write things based off my characters. But I can also see what some authors come from, especially if they worked like their entire life to write a series of books.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:04am
  • v. I see. I never thought they could actually get published. So I see where the authors are coming from. I thought they were merely mentioning the ones that you read on online sites.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:02am
  • I like fan fiction, and in ways it does fill in the "what if" factor for fans that they not not get from the author. Either way if I was a publisher/ famous person I would be so flattered and honored in a way to have one written about me and/or my characters. It shows the dedication and love fans have.
    April 30th, 2012 at 01:00am
  • The only fanfiction I read hands down is mcr fanfiction, with the exception to an awesome HP fanfic that I read the other day.

    At the same time, I cannot comment on whether or not it's right for this author to feel that way. I have not spent years constructing and fixing and planning and basically creating characters that people have come to love today.

    Who knows, maybe I would feel the same way if I was in George's shoes. But still, I like fanfiction and I don't have a problem with it.
    April 30th, 2012 at 12:59am
  • Fanfiction has been published before. The authors don't make much money off of them, but there are some out there.

    Me, I love fanfiction. As long as writers aren't plagiarising what's already in the books. I see fanfiction as a type of parody, which are also published after books. Heck, Twilight has about two or three published parodies. That's all fanfiction kind of it, really, but that doesn't mean it has to have the funniness a parody does. Get where I'm going with this?
    April 30th, 2012 at 12:57am