Hey there Mibba. - Comments

  • SpawnofAlice-n-Ozzy

    SpawnofAlice-n-Ozzy (100)

    United States
    i would post 10 things about myself but i'm not really the most interesting person in the world and i already have a number of journals that are kinda like this. if you want to know waaay more about me than you should you should check em out.
    May 4th, 2012 at 04:58pm
  • noriko.

    noriko. (330)

    Welcome to mibba ^^
    Omnomnom. Your hair.

    10 things?

    1. I am in my... first year of senior high school (I'm 17 on Sunday ^^)

    2. I am a proud Japanese. I'm from Kyoto, and I live in a paper house :3 I've got a collection of three wardrobes of harajuku, visual/oshare/eroguro kei and different lolita clothes ^^

    3. My hair is currently purple and green. The left side is purple, the right side green ^^

    4. I've been going to concerts since I was three. My very first concert was Matsumoto Hideto-sama, or hide from X/X Japan. Since then, I've gone to numerous concert, and met such amazingly talented people. I got to kiss Isshiki Hiyori-sama #O_O#

    5. I, am an otaku. Seriously. I'm especially into Claymore, which my favourite pairing comes in. Clare x Raki. M-hmm. I've got about a bagazillion issues of magazines, as well as dvds, OVAS, soundtracks, live action dramas, graphic novels, live action movies, animated movies, signatures, cospla outfits, etc.

    6. I'm overly obsessed with cherry blossoms, and especially the stories behind them. One of the stories is that people are buried under the trees, and the roots of the cherry blossom suck the blood out of the body, and that's how the flowers are a beautiful shade of pink ^^

    7. I have a sister, named Kanon. She is like... Hell. Inside of a person. But I love her. And hate her. I usually have to pay for her things, especially her tablets. She has DID...

    8. I also have a brother, who perminately lives in Australia :) He's also a lover of Japanese fashion, and makes clothes. He usually wears his own creations, instead of buying clothes. He looks extremely cute in his Mashiro - from PaRADEiS - cosplay :3

    9. I'm in Australia right now as a transfer student. People here are very mean ;__; It's quite annoying... But there are lots of nice people here, too. My best non-Japanese Asian type person thingy is Australian, and I share this account with her (Gabbe)

    10. My favourite movie is definately Howl's Moving Castle. Howl is hawt. Even with orange hair, even though he thinks he's ugly... But yes, Howl is kjhla;ksj 'afj;dh;al h sexy ^^
    May 4th, 2012 at 01:33pm
  • MAD

    MAD (100)

    its really sad that you don't believe in love.

    i believe love is the point of existence.
    May 4th, 2012 at 09:59am
  • Rooskaya;

    Rooskaya; (155)

    United States
    Welcome to Mibba :) I hope it turns out to be everything you hoped it will be and more. Hmm...ten facts about me, I think that's my whole right there, haha.


    1. I'm a college student. I'm currently down as undecided but I'm taking classes for child education as well as pre-courses so I can test for the nursing program. At least I have some direction, right?
    2. I'm a huge dog lover. My family owns a grooming shop so I've been surrounded by them all my life; we also owned a pitbull for the majority of my life. I've seen the scum that walk this earth – those that fight their dogs and those that abuse their dogs and I can't stand people like that. I've lately been thinking about joining the Humane Society so I can do something, but I'm not sure if I'm tough skinned enough for it. I had to do a research paper on dog fighting and bawled my whole way through, as well as my way through The Lost Dogs. Oh – I also think Michael Vick is the scum of the earth. I have some fabulous plans of kicking him where the sun doesn't shine if he ever graces my presence.
    3. I'm a huge Marvel nerd. It started out with X-Men and the Wolverine comics but I didn't get truly into it until Iron Man. X-Men was just a fun serious but Iron Man – uh…who am I kidding, RDJ is a babe. I watched the movie because I'm shallow but I actually really liked it. Now I read the comics, I read into it, I pay attention and the fact that the cast is gorgeous; that's just a huge plus.
    4. I religiously watch Supernatural, White Collar and Sons of Anarchy. I dabble in a lot of other shows like Burn Notice, Jane by Design, Chelsea Lately and Toddlers and Tiaras but first three are my favorites.
    5. Christopher Nolan and Tim Burton are geniuses. I bow to them.
    6. If I see it, I can slash it. I can also turn anything and everything you give me into an alternative universe – a story, fanfiction or not.
    7. I have two mutt beasts: (a maltchipoo) and Baby (maltshi-mini schnauzer). Leo is named after Leonardo DiCaprio and Baby is named after Baby the Impala from Supernatural.
    8. I have three ongoing stories on my computer. I post selections from them once in a while but I will probably never post the actual story. I'll probably never finish them either.
    9. I, not so secretly, think that all these TV shows and movies are somehow linked together: Weeds, Burn Notice, White Collar, Inception, Fast and Furious (series), RED, Sherlock (BBC), and James Bond (2006+)
    10. Most people think I'm a mother – I'm not, it just brings me great lulz to see the shock on people's faces. I'm really a childcare giver, I've been taking care of Autumn since she was 6 months old.

    ...I think like three of them are relevant.
    May 4th, 2012 at 09:52am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Welcome to Mibba c:
    May 4th, 2012 at 09:52am
  • PaintMeCasey

    PaintMeCasey (100)

    I hate you Austin. So much.
    May 4th, 2012 at 09:45am
  • austinatbest

    austinatbest (100)

    United States
    I'm so glad that no one has talked to this girl. She is so GROSS. Lol jk. ;)
    May 4th, 2012 at 09:40am