I hate bigots! - Comments

  • Homosexuality is a "sin" the same way that eating pork and working on Sundays is.

    Times have changed. To me, it shouldn't even be a question anymore. As a Christian myself, the God I believe in wouldn't punish someone for who they love. He's a caring God and would smile upon love of any kind.
    May 5th, 2012 at 12:01am
  • I think believing that a wrong thing a person does is a sin and believing that their entire sexual orientation is wrong are two completely different things. Like I said, I personally would never be friends with someone who thinks my sexual orientation is a sin because I feel it's disrespectful.

    And, no, I don't believe God did that. I completely believe He could have, but I do not believe He did. I know this is a crazy concept, but I'm going to commune directly with Him instead of taking fallible man's word for what I should believe, most of which is just based on politics and hatred toward fellow man.

    the Bible should be taken with a grain of salt. It has some good messages, but a lot of them are terrible. (Like Lot telling those guys to gang rape his virgin daughters. Great fucking moral there.)
    May 4th, 2012 at 07:51pm
  • And I never impart my beliefs on them. The only reason they know is because they asked. They wanted to make sure I wasn't going to hate them when I became a Christian. They accepted my stance, because they value my friendship and respect that I have the right to believe as I like.
    May 4th, 2012 at 07:11pm
  • dru, so it's not possible God directed the men who wrote it and eventually put it together? If you believe he is all-powerful, why can you not believe he is capable of that?

    And I do respect them. They know that. Lying is sin, should I not be friends with anyone who lies, ever? Having premarital sex is a sin, but I obviously did that since i had my daughter before i was married, should other Christians shun me for my sin? No. I don't agree with abortion but my friends do. Should we stop being friends for that? No. They don't believe the same as me and I'm okay with that.

    For the record, I used to be bisexual. My most serious relationship before my husband was with a female, a majority of my sexual relationships were with another female, but I turned from that.
    May 4th, 2012 at 07:09pm
  • And, personally, if someone was like 'I love you, but your sexual orientation is a sin', that person would not be my friend. Because I find viewpoints like that incredibly disrespectful and I don't want friends who don't respect me.
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:49pm
  • The Bible was written by man and man is fallible. The Bible is not written by God, nor is it the direct word of God. It is Man's idea of the Word of God. And I trust God, not men. I commune with God daily, I speak with Him, and I understand what I believe through that, not what men say about God. Men are liars and God is perfect.
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:48pm
  • v. Theyre definitely not. At least two of my best friends are bisexual. They know my views but we still remain friends. Which is a feat in itself cause I'm so antisocial, haha.
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:43pm
  • Insanity's Artist (First Post):
    Exactly, it's my experience with christianity, I know not everyone that practices does it in the same way. I'm glad to know that the religious people I know aren't neccessarily the "norm"
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:38pm
  • dru, how can you be a Christian if you don't even agree with the Bible? Where is the basis for your belief, if not there? If you trust everything about Jesus was true, why do you not trust everything else? If you believe in God and know he's all powerful, why would you not trust Him to make sure the Bible is written exactly as it is supposed to be?
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:38pm
  • I'm a Christian who is pansexual and I don't believe homosexuality is a sin. I believe all the Bible verses regarding homosexuality have been taken out of context and God wouldn't make someone gay just to punish them.

    Homosexuality isn't a sin. The verse in Leviticus calls it an abomination which simply means 'against tradition'. They were against it in that book because the Jews were trying to rebuild their nation and making babies is vital to that. The four admonishments to it in the New Testament were all written by Paul, who was a jerk. (And some people believe he was a repressed homosexual. He was the same guy who said marriage is bad, but if you want to fuck you should go ahead and get married 'cause it's better to fuck in marriage than to fuck outside of it.)
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:19pm
  • That's not what Christianity is about. Homosexuality is a sin, but we're not supposed to shun or ban homosexuals like they're infected. A sin is the same as all other sins and we're to love the sinner. Jesus only hung out and ate with sinners. We're supposed to emulate Jesus. A lot of Christians don't practice Christianith correctly and therefore give us a bad name. I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with Christians.
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:05pm