I'm invisible. - Comments

  • Crazy_Peep

    Crazy_Peep (100)

    United States
    I'm izzy. I don't like my real name.
    I'm tired, and wanting school to be done.
    I love to debate but can be easily worked up.
    My sister is constantly in the hospital for headaches and my mom acts as if I don't exist anymore because of it.
    I dislike anyone who does or likes something, simply because someone does. Huge annoyance right there.
    I'm easily annoyed and I really don't mean to be but I have these pet peeves that just get to me.
    I play violin, it's my fifth year this year.
    I live in Minnesota! I take German, although I have many people ask if I take French. (Eww um no.)
    I love love love love to read. It's seems that's all I do these days.
    I've been to way too many concerts and plan to go to many more. :)
    May 10th, 2012 at 02:19am