Journal #4 - Comments

  • Darkest Spells

    Darkest Spells (100)

    United States
    Wow, you spell it the same way too. So many people spell it Britney.

    Exactly, I was so mad that I actually found statistics online and commented the girl back. If that girl was really raped I feel really bad for her cause it seemed like that means she was blaming herself. And one of the statistics I found was that most cases (that are reported of course) the victim was wearing jeans or pajamas. I kind of wanted to slap her lol.
    May 11th, 2012 at 04:29pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    Hey my name is Brittany too. :D

    Anyway, about the rape thing, that is completely ridiculous. It's just like how cops don't really take it seriously if a prostitute was raped and came forward, which is why most rapes go unreported. And to some people it is in their culture to dress uh... idk a polite way to word it, but take gypsies or example, if you've ever seen that show all the girls are wearing something that shows of their body, and in all honesty, there's nothing wrong with that, so if a kid wears short shorts during the summer it would be okay for them to get raped, just because hey kid, you provoked it? The topic as a whole is irritating. No one under any circumstances deserves to be raped.
    May 11th, 2012 at 04:37am