Going to start to work out, tips?? - Comments

  • Vintage Vengeance

    Vintage Vengeance (100)

    Thank you all for amazing tips, i'm still stoked for it and all of these helps :D
    May 15th, 2012 at 05:00pm
  • iron and graphite;

    iron and graphite; (100)

    United States
    I'm not too great with exercise and dieting stuff, but one good exercise is 21 countdowns. Basically, you do 21 pushups, 21 Sit-ups, and then 19, 18, etc. When you get back down to 0, you go back up to 21.
    May 14th, 2012 at 11:39pm
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    Other than the below my tip would be do not stretch cold muscles always do a light exercise warm up before stretching cause I recently injured my legs from over stretching slightly. Also do a cool down work out after high intensity just to get your blood flowing more normally and then stretch. Otherwise if it's Bern a while since you worked out or it was too vigorous you'll feel sick.

    As for food just remove junk food from your diet most people know what this means ya know chips and cookies etc. No soda or beer just water and juices mostly water to detox your system. Avoid food with lots of starch or salt like noodles or rice.

    For motivation I have a work out partner here on mibba and we check in with each other daily to stay on out work out routines and eating right. Plus I like to go on YouTube and watch people exercise or MMA fighters or boxers training and it inspires me to train.

    I'd suggest doing your exercises early in the day because after you exercise already it motivates you not to eat unhealthy cause it's like -man I already worked so hard I'm not gonna waste my effort- Depending on what time you exercise make sure your meal gives you enough energy.

    Working out at home if you don't have exercise machines do work outs using just your body weight and stretching. Like yoga, dance, boxing, mountain climbers, squats, jumping jacks, etc. It all depends on what your focus is.
    May 14th, 2012 at 10:25pm
  • Her0ofTime

    Her0ofTime (100)

    For exercising you should do both cardio and weight training. Cardio is a good fat burning exercise, but building muscle is also important. The more muscle you build the more calories you'll burn throughout the day.

    For insperation I visit a lot of fit inspired tumblr's. They have exercise moves, work out plans, meal plans, motivational pictures, and other stuff. If you want some good ones just PM me and I'll give you the URL's.
    May 14th, 2012 at 10:02pm
  • Gia De La Muerte

    Gia De La Muerte (150)

    United States
    Try to do 30 mins of cardio, and also incorporate a bit of light weight lifting to strengthen your muscles :) having upbeat and fast music will get you motivated. Doing a 5 to 10 minute warm-up will also prevent you from pulling a muscle.

    As for eating : if you drink soda or any sugary juices, try to cut back. Switching to whole wheat bread or whole grains is also extremely helpful. Eating fruit when you crave sweets will also help. Cutting back on sugar in general will help you see results :) Eating 6 small meals a day is probably the best route to go. For small snacks, trying eating nuts, string cheese, or low fat yogurt.

    Good for you for wanting to make some changes, good luck on your journey and I hope you see the results you are looking for :D
    May 14th, 2012 at 09:38pm