Help Needed/Accounting/College - Comments

  • richard roman.

    richard roman. (205)

    United States
    Don't go just because you're good at it. I'm in college right now and I have a woman in one of my classes who was an accountant because she was good at it and good with numbers, but she hated it. She couldn't sit at a desk 9-5, 5 days a week. She had to be moving around. So you might be good at it, but it might not be for you. I suggest as a first thing first type deal that you make an appointment with an academic advisor at the college you're going to. You said it'd be local, right? I'm assuming a community college then. Usually you can just walk in and make the appointment, and sometimes they might even be doing walk-in's.
    May 16th, 2012 at 06:43pm