weight loss - Comments

  • Good luck it's completly possible I know you can do it and I know you want it and with the right program etc you WILL get there. You have my support :) you're an insipration.
    May 18th, 2012 at 04:45am
  • I hope you're able to lose the weight and be happy. I'm also trying to lose weight. If you need someone to talk too to help you try to stay motivated, I'll try and help, just send me a message.

    A few tips I have are to drink LOTS of water and cut out soda or juice with lots of sugar in it. Eat small meals throughout the day instead of 3 big meals.
    May 18th, 2012 at 04:42am
  • I understand exactly everything you feel.
    I too have been plus sized my entire life. Being a size 18 is not really looked upon as being beautiful, but I have been more comfortable with myself than ever.
    Do whatever makes you happy and don't worry about anyone else!
    You are your own rainbow and are beautiful just the way you are! <3
    May 18th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • No... I don't know what that's like. I do, however, know what's its like to have people look at you like you're a freak because you're underweight... I know what it's like to have everyone watch me all through the day to make sure I eat, to make sure I don't purge, to make sure I don't pass out. I know what it's like to have heart problems and high blood pressure because of being under weight. I know what it's like to have things whispered about you and to hide in a classroom at lunch and break so no one will see me, I know what it's like to be 100 and hate my body just as much as you hate your own. I know what it's like to almost die. I know what it's like to be trapped in my body, and want nothing more to get better and not being able to.
    We both have been fucked over by society, by our bodies, by the world because of our weight. Whether a woman is over weight or under weight, we will always be judged, always to be laughed at whispered about. That's why I don't understand why there is such a huge void between overweight women and women with an eating disorder. We're both facing similar battles, obviously not the same, but similar.
    I really like that your goal weight is your healthy weight, mine is my healthy weight too. I really wish you the best of love and luck on your journey. Body image/goal weight/healthy weight is such a hard battle to fight, especially when we have our minds, our fucked up views of our bodies, our peers, society, health, and fears all whispering in our ears. I'd love it if you could make post journals tracking your progress? I'd love to see how you're doing and congratulate you on reaching your goal! <3
    May 18th, 2012 at 04:30am