Eragon and Happy feet - Comments

  • yea happy feet sucked so bad the 4yr old i baby-sit was like, 'that movie was weally bad wose!' (he has speach problems...r's dont work with him...)

    And i was pissed when i saw eragon! I read the book twice and i saw so many changes it wasnt even funny! what kind of elf doesnt have pointed ears!? and since when is a dwarf my hight!!?? its really fucked up!
    March 31st, 2007 at 11:11pm
  • Saw both of those...

    Happy Feet, I hated because it was all this liberal propaganda and it really made me mad because they were sort of teaching the kids that was true, rather than the kids deciding(at a reasonable age for worrying about politics) what they thought was true. Not to mention I'm a Republican... So that made the movie even more painful. Oh yeah, and my friends got kicked out of the theatre because their evil 4th grade teacher who hates them noticed how quiet they were being and decided they were too loud despite the fact that two girls in the back were goofing off and whispering all through the movie.

    And Eragon was bad. I haven't read the book, but the movie was completely lacking in character developement and it had a crappy plot. I mean come on, 'I had this dream with this lady in it so I'ma go look for her'? s.t.u.p.i.d.!.
    March 24th, 2007 at 04:21pm
  • eragon the book is good but the movie just sucked they changed it to much
    March 24th, 2007 at 04:13pm