Why can't i get a guy? - Comments

  • Merida

    Merida (120)

    United States
    Guys are complicated. Girls are complicated.

    Guys are usually possesive and jealous. So are girls. We as the opposite sex sometimes forget that we are very much a like. A guy will tell you that a girl is a 'slut' but will try getting with her. A guy will tell you that his girlfriend or a girl he likes is always flirting with other guys.

    What is flirting? What is just being nice?

    Trust me. If you plan on going to college, you don't need a boyfriend. Boyfriend's are hard to handle and once you've got one it is usually hard to keep them interested in just you. Just one girl. Just your two boobies. Just your private part. Just you.

    When a guy comes along, you'll know. Guys in high school and even freshmen college guys are hard to keep around. If you're looking for a fling just date a guy that you may or may not be entirely attracted to. Just get a feel for it. It doesn't mean you have to just be automatically in love with him.

    You do NOT have to love someone to be their partner. And most of the time girls and guys don't treat each other like they are 'supposed' to. Rarely do you find a young couple that doesn't have problems.

    Trust me. I envy girls who don't have a boyfriend. Sometimes I wish I didn't have one.
    June 1st, 2012 at 12:00am