All About Me! Because I know that you care! ♥ - Comments

  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    Jesus, I haven't been on Myspace in years. I remember adding random people just so I could see what they put in their bulletins. XD

    Since I'm bored as well:

    1. Fav color: Purple

    2. Fav music: I tolerate most music but country, rock (80's/90's) and some hip hop are my favorites.

    3. Fav band: Sister Hazel.

    4. Fav movie: Rose Red.

    5 Fav show: Supernatural and NCIS.

    .:Random:. Do you?
    12. Own your house: Do apartments count? If so then yes.

    13. Have any pets: 3 kittens.

    14. Have any siblings: 3 step brothers, 2 step sisters, 1 biological sister, 1 biological brother.

    15. Have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No but I do have a husband.

    16. Have a crush: On celebrities.

    17. Have a Best Friend?: Nope.

    18. Own a A TV?: Yep.

    19. Have Boobs?: Yep.

    20. Sleep walk/talk?: I have no idea.

    .:Have you ever:.
    21. Sat in gum: Nope.

    22. Danced in public: Yep.

    23. Smiled for no reason: Yep.

    24. Laughed so hard you cried: Yep.

    25. Performed on stage: Yep.

    26. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs: Yep.

    27. Gone out of your way to make a new friend: Eh... No.

    28. Tripped someone right after you helped them off of the floor: Many times.

    .:Who was the last person who:.
    29. Said hi to you: My husband.

    30. Took your picture: My husband.

    31. You called: My husband.

    32. Called you: My mother.

    33.Went to the movies with you: My grandmother, biological siblings and my cousins.

    45.Time you cried: A few months ago.

    46. Time you laughed: This morning.

    47. Number you dialed: My mothers.

    48. Book you read: Firebirds Rising by Sharyn November.

    49. Food you ate: Crackers.

    50. Flavor of gum you chewed: No idea.

    51. Shoes your wore: Sneakers.

    52. Store you went in: K-Mart.

    53. Thing you said: It's alright.

    54. Time you looked at the time: 5:47pm

    55. Movie you watched: Cyberbully.

    56. Joke you told: No idea.

    57. Song you sang: Sunny Came Home - Shawn Colvin

    .:Can you:.
    58.Write with both hands: Nope,

    59. Whistle: Nope.

    60. Blow a bubble: Yep.

    61. Dance: No.

    62. Stay up all night: Yep.

    63. Speak a different language: Yep.

    64. Impersonate someone: Nope.

    65. Cook: Nope.

    66. Sing: Pretty well.

    67. Hop on one foot: Yes.

    .:Finish the line:
    68. If I were chupacabra I'd: bite someone.

    69. People don't know that: I'm nicer than I act.

    70. My BF/GF is: -
    June 4th, 2012 at 11:51pm