Need Advice - Comments

  • Well, hopefully this won't sound mean. Because it's not and I say it with the best intentions.
    I think playful flirting is best to do first so that if they react in a negative way, you know that they might not be into you. If they flirt back then keep flirting, but make sure it's still at a playful level. Then, the next thing that you have to do is figure out what you're going to tell them, where, and when. This is very important. You don't want to make it at a time that's inconvenient for them or tell them in an awkward situation. Also, when people have either expressed interest in me or I've tried to express interest in them, I find that it's very helpful when you not only tell them that you like them, but you ask them out on a date. Because if they like you they'll say yes, if they don't like they'll say know, if they're unsure then you've just opened up an opportunity for yourself to sweep them off their feet and give them a chance to see you in a new light.
    Also, if they say no to you and reject you, just know the worst they can say is no. The best you can do when they say no is be super cool and understanding about it. But don't be afraid of rejection. Everyone gets rejected at some point in their life and not taking the plunge because of it is worse because of all the things you miss out on. Sure it'll suck butt cheeks and goose lips if they reject you, but it's like medicine. You gotta take it for you to get better ; )
    June 6th, 2012 at 02:00am
  • I think you should tell them, because there's a chance that they like you back. Being rejected is a scary thought, but be positive (:
    But don't get your hopes up too high because it sucks having them crushed! ]:
    Anyhoot, good luck! [:
    June 5th, 2012 at 11:41pm
  • well you should tell them :) you won't know till you try and they probably feel the same way too who knows c:
    June 5th, 2012 at 08:49pm
  • they're in my graphics class and they sometimes drop hints but i dont know if theyre just joking around or what
    June 5th, 2012 at 07:33pm
  • Before I give advice I like to know the some details (:
    1. Are you two good friends?
    2. Ever got any hints that this person may like you as well?

    >>> this is from personal experience tbh :L <<<<
    June 5th, 2012 at 07:12pm