Am I The Only One? - Comments

  • Yay!! :) I'm not as weird as I thought!! Thanks for playing along with my madness for a little while.
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:38am
  • No to 5 4 and 3

    And zombies aren't my favorite but I don't dislike them. ^-^ cool idea.
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:36am
  • I don't believe in zombies either. If they ever do exist, they probably won't be like how Hollywood portrays them to be. They'd probably be completely different. The Hollywood-type of zombies just don't seem possible, but it may be possible for someone to gain a craving for human flesh through a disease or parasite in the future. But that would make that person a diseased cannibal, not a zombie unless that person was already dead. But I don't think that's happening now or any time soon. I was really annoyed with the recent "zombie hysteria" on the Internet, I'm glad people have finally calmed down over that. I think a lot of people need to be reminded that zombie isn't a synonym for cannibal. v.v If a zombie apocalypse were to ever happen, it probably wouldn't be like in the movies.

    I agree with the third one as well. Someone who is "bigger" can be just as beautiful as someone who is "smaller". Being skinny doesn't always equal attractive just as being larger doesn't always equal unattractive. It's sad that our media portrays it to be that way. Our media pushes the idea that you need to be skinny in order to be "pretty" and it's just sad they do that.

    I agree with the fifth one too. I love the colder weather, I've always enjoyed the cold. I like the heat too but I overall more prefer colder weather. I live in an area where it's often cold, rainy, and foggy. That's one of my favorite things about this area, I absolutely adore the rain, fog, and cooler weather. I also love the night, I feel a lot more comfortable at night than in the day. I'm not sure why, it's just always been that way with me.

    I can't answer the other two.
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:34am
  • 1. No
    2. Yes and no. I like zombie movies or shows, but I do not think they exist or will ever exist.
    3. No. I've seen a lot of super ugly skinny girls and a lot of beautiful big girls and vice versa.
    4. Angelina's Jolie's lips do look like a fish at times, but that's what she likes. Mick Jagger's lips look nothing like Angelina's to me. :o
    5. I love all those compared to hot humid sunny days... although the rain made me mad today x)

    I totally read number 3 wrong the first time. I didn't see the word not so I was like :O how rude, then I read it several more times, and I was like ohhhh. Interesting questions. :)
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:19am
  • 1) FUCK NO! Mmmmm...;D
    2) I like Zombies. hence the whole Walking Dead/Norman Reedus obsession. But I know a lot of people who really don't like zombies.
    3) I agree. I'm not SUPER skinny, but I am beautiful ;p
    4) They aren't the same. Mick Jagger, is boootiful. Angelina Jolie was pretty before she got all that plastic into her.
    5) Sorry, I don't really enjoy snow all that much. It's the price you pay when you live in the Great White North...XD
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:10am
  • Two + three + five = agree
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:08am
  • Oops. I skipped over one, didn't I? Facepalm

    Number three on my comment is supposed to be number four and number four is supposed to be number five. Facepalm
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:05am
  • As for 2, I doubt many people believe in zombies.
    June 7th, 2012 at 12:02am
  • 1) Agreed.

    2) Agreed.

    3) Disagreed. Mick is beautiful, but I think Angelina is very pretty, too.

    4) Agreed.

    June 7th, 2012 at 12:02am