Story Contests - Comments

  • i. Nah, I don't really read original fiction much. Lol

    ii. Yeah I guess if there weren't any deadlines for anything I'd lay around all the time. I'm just a big complainer. Lol
    June 10th, 2012 at 06:38am
  • Welcome to Mibba, Vanishing Crows! Don't be nervous about entering a story =P It's always good practice.

    I would love to read some original fiction, but I dunno. I only have the online attention span for reading poetry. ;( If it's a book that I can hold, I'll read it. Deadlines do suck, haha, but without them, would we really get that much done?
    June 9th, 2012 at 10:00pm
  • I'm new to Mibba, but I've lurked the story contests and I think that they look amazing. I'm too nervous to enter any yet, but when I've been here for a while I hope I can enter and host some. There's some really good prompts in there - yeah, there's a lot of fanfiction, but if you hunt through there are some fantastic original contests, if that's more your thing.
    June 9th, 2012 at 09:52pm