Guys, I need help. Please. - Comments

  • So, first and foremost, Caitlin is your best friends and, no matter what, that comes first. BUT she may not even like Ryan anymore, so definitely, definitely ask her about that. I also think you should tell her you like him because she should definitely know before you even think about telling Ryan, otherwise she might think you were sneaking around behind her back.
    Okay, if she does still like him, figure out how much she actually does and ask her if she's thinking of asking him out or not. If she is, then you need to be a fully supportive friend about it.
    However, if Ryan does not share her feeling, THEN is when you should consider asking her whether you can maybe make some moves, if she says she's not okay with it then that's it. Don't try anything, your friendship is too important. If she's okay with it you're golden.
    However, I'm not sure if this is all a big hassle considering you won't even be seeing them over the summer?
    June 10th, 2012 at 03:00pm
  • Focus on your finals. Forget about the boy shit, I already have lol.
    June 10th, 2012 at 01:15pm
  • Ooooh.... that's kinda tough... I'm not really sure what to do about this... Well, I'd get Caitlin, Ryan and Cote and yourself together one day and just TALK. Talk about your feelings for eachother and be completely HONEST. I know, it sounds like THE most stupidest idea ever, and I'd be embarrased as hell if I had to admitt to liking people, but it's the only thing I can think about doing. If Caitlin was really your best friend, she wouldn't let a boy come between your friendship. Tell me if everything works out or not and good luck with your situation :)
    June 10th, 2012 at 06:55am