• Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Look, popular parties are not fun. I was in a similar position in my last year of high school, and went to my first party then (by party I mean teenagers drinking and hanging out with loud music sort of party). It was horrible. Absolutely the most boring thing I had ever done. I was kind of a nerdy girl (who still talked to some popular people), and that just wasn't my scene. It still isn't. Being popular isn't everything, (and the end of the day, popular=nothing) and by going to that party I realised how much I didn't want to be popular, and that it was stupid of me for trying to be it at some points during my high school years.

    You clearly think that the popular conversation topics aren't that interesting, and they really aren't. It just shows you that they're not the kind of people you want to be hanging out with. You're above them.

    Nerdy parties with nerdy friends, or people you can actually talk to and have fun with, will be much more fun. That's a fact. Once I got to University and found some people who I actually liked, who I could actually talk to, I had a blast. We partied the way we wanted to (sometimes with alcohol, but it wasn't necessary) and we loved it. There will be plenty of gorgeous guys with great personalities in the next stage of your life (after high school) and much cooler friends, alright? Don't care about the stupid stuff that happens at high school, because in a few years time it won't matter at all.

    Popular people are the ones who end up failing. All they'll do for the rest of their life is drink like there's no tomorrow and talk about the same stuff. You're better than that, and you'll do better in life.

    That's pretty much the end of my rant, but feel free to chuck me a PM if you'd like. I know it can get difficult sometimes, but it gets better. A lot better. :)
    June 16th, 2012 at 12:44am
  • NoRaindropsOnRoses

    NoRaindropsOnRoses (100)

    United States
    Ah. The whole best-friend-if-you-were-a-guy-or-I-were-a-lesbian-we-would-be-married deal. I swear, I'm not mocking it because it happened to me. Worst experience ever. Being unpopular, in the long run, will bring you more luck than loathing, at least in my opinion. I also know how it feel to be "the only one". Although me telling you I know how you feel is probably not consoling in the slightest...Anyway, it sucks that people have to change like that. And so quickly, without warning, it hurts even more than it has to. Avoiding Facebook right now is a wonderful idea, in the future blocking all the posts from people you don't want to hear from is good too. If it helps any, nerdy parties are always the best. =)
    June 15th, 2012 at 07:10pm
  • waves wash

    waves wash (155)

    United States
    I'm here to talk.
    June 15th, 2012 at 05:11pm