It's a terrible love... - Comments

  • It's like... I dont know. I dont think ive actually cried about it. Ive been holding up such a good front no one really realizes that this freaking kills me! I went through the angry stage. But I think now I just need to ball my bloody eyes out.

    I see him every friday and saturday. I only for a little bit, passing each other in cars. Just to know he is near is killer. To know that he ignores my texts is terrible. Just.... I really just wanna cry. I really just want to move on. But its so ungodly difficult whenever you're still in love with the person. :/
    June 23rd, 2012 at 12:23pm
  • I know nothing anyone says at this point is going to make this suck any less, I read this thinking to myself "dear God I don't remember writing this." but I didn't. I just lived in a similar situation (only I was stupid enough to believe him when he said he was straight...and had to act like I was okay when he told me he was gay but that he "still liked girls" I guess I was just not good enough in any sense of the situation) and it sucks. I know it sucks. It is like going through a breakup with someone that you never even got to date (or maybe it's just me).
    But through my experience I have found that going back to this guy (even if he REALLY needs you because he is sick and 4 hours from home) just makes the broken heart you are trying to fit back together break even more...
    I really do hope that things get better for you, I hope that you move on from this guy and that you prove to not only him but also to yourself that you are worth so much more than the shit he has put you through. You deserve more than he can give you and I think you should strive to go make yourself happy. Make things about you, don't worry about anyone other than you because if you are anything like me you have spent far too much time worrying about him and trying to make him happy just so he will pay attention and maybe, just maybe he will notice you as something more than friends.
    June 23rd, 2012 at 08:10am