Warrior (WARNING: This is a religious based blog post. If you do not agree with the bible, I would advice not the even look at it. I mean no offense and I am sorry if I offend anyone. - Comments

  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I was lurking the forums and I saw you post a link to this blog in the Christian forum so I decided to read it. As an atheist, I can't say I agree with a lot of it but it was pretty well thought out and seemed to come from your heart. It was an interesting read, that's for sure. However, there was something you said that jumped out at me and bothered me. I mean no offense with my comment but this is something I feel a need to address, because it never fails to bother me a large amount. It was this:

    "Obama our president reasonitly stated we are no longer a christian nation. Do you know what that means? It means we are not doing out job. We are not spreading the word, we are not setting an example, we are not warriors."

    Now technically, Obama was wrong when he said America was no longer a Christian nation because America has never been a Christian nation and never should be one. Making America a Christian nation goes against everything our country stands for and what our ancestors fought so hard for. The day America becomes a Christian nation is the day America will leave its democracy behind for theocracy and it will truly be a sad and shameful day. It will be a day we shall lose our freedom of religion and turn our backs on everything our ancestors fought for. I hope I never see the day America becomes a theocracy of any kind.

    However, all technicalities aside, Obama was right in what he said and it was the proper thing for him to do. He did his job as president of a country known as a "melting pot". America should not become a "one religion nation" as America is a melting pot. America has great diversity and it would be unfair to many people for America to become a Christian nation. America is a sanctuary that the oppressed can run to for freedom and safety. America has people of many nationalities, religions, races, ethnicity, and sexuality.

    Had Obama said America was a Christian nation, he would have betrayed his people and wouldn't be doing his job as president. I have my problems with Obama, but I am happy that Obama can admit America is not a Christian nation. Any politician who would call America a Christian nation is not fit to be in office in this country and should be removed from their position. Everyone should be free to choose what religion they want to follow and we should not take that freedom from them. Becoming a Christian nation entails that we have gotten rid of our freedom of religion and everyone is a Christian. That is not right nor okay.

    America is known as the "Land of the Free" and was founded upon freedom of religion. Saying America should be a Christian nation goes against every thing our country stands for and was founded upon. In fact, many of our Founding Fathers were not Christians as Alex pointed out. I think one of them was even an atheist. But I am not positive of that though I do know many of them were deists. America fought to break away from Britain and become our own country because they want everyone to be free to follow whatever religion they wanted. It is specifically stated in the Treaty of Tripoli that America is not a Christian nation:
    "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

    If you wish to be a Christian then fine, no one will stop you as you are free to follow Christianity because you have freedom of religion in this country. However, others are also free to choose to follow what religion they choose and no one as a right to take that freedom away. Making America a Christian nation would take that freedom away from non-Christians and that is not something that should ever happen in America. You can do your "job" as a Christian without forcing people to follow your religion. I don't think your god would appreciate it if you forced people into your religion.

    America is not a Christian nation.
    America has never been a Christian nation.
    America should never be a Christian nation.

    Again, I don't mean this in a rude way and I do thoroughly apologize if anything I said sounded rude. There are some things that bother me a lot and someone saying America should be a Christian nation is one of those things that bother me. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say to you and will listen to my words.
    July 16th, 2012 at 05:40am
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    "Obama our president reasonitly stated we are no longer a christian nation..." <- the US was never meant to be a "Christian nation" in the first place. The Bill of Rights and the Treaty of Tripoli say so quite clearly, and the founding fathers had mainly deistic views.

    "A life without a purpose is a waste." <- I disagree mainly with this. What is it about a life without purpose that inherently makes it pointless? I don't see why things have to happen for a reason in order for them to be worth enjoying/experiencing. I aim to help and bring happiness to one or more persons in my lifetime, and if I can achieve that, I'll be happy. I don't see why a universal purpose should come into it.
    July 14th, 2012 at 01:42pm
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    I think this world is already too full of soldiers.
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:25am
  • writenow

    writenow (100)

    United States
    One word for you:

    July 9th, 2012 at 02:25am