Writers Block Is Atrocious - Comments

  • I find that it may sound cheesy, but when you are in a public place you get ideas. Try to take note of the emotions that you are feeling and incorporate them into the story. I also have a stratagem for writing, and that is that I start with this great idea for one chapter always in the middle of the story. Then as ideas for other chapters come, and I write those down. I keep up this process until I actually have a stable skeleton for my story then add in the details. I hoped that halped you.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 09:33pm
  • I've found that taking notes and creating simple outlines work for me to get things jumpstarted. I take the snippets I have, write them down in note form and then add to them if something pops up. Then I make a simple outline of the plot I have planned out or part of it. Like I want to get from point A to B to C to D, then I try to fill in some things that might be interesting between those points.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 08:55pm