I don't like you. I like spinach. - Comments

  • Good to know about the swearing, haha. I usually don't get that mad, but I really hate when people make assumptions.

    I only like the baby spinach leaves, and they do remind me of Popeye, haha. They're good, though. I don't like lettuce, so I guess that's where I found my addiction.
    July 10th, 2012 at 12:25am
  • .. that's weeeeird. I'd tell her straight up to stop, I wouldn't even care what she called me. By the way, we can swear in the blogs again. :) We just can't swear in the title.

    Also, spinach seems like it would be kind of raunchy to me. And as soon as I hear someone eating spinach I think of Popeye. :o
    July 10th, 2012 at 12:14am
  • It sounds like maybe she likes you and was going you liked her. She didn't go about in the best way, though... And she was just probably embarrassed when you called her out. My guess, anyway...

    You can curse in journals. Just in moderation and you can't bash anyone with it. That was a recent rule change. There is a thread with updated rules somewhere.

    I love spinach salad. XD
    July 10th, 2012 at 12:03am
  • It sounds like maybe she likes you and was going you liked her. She didn't go about in the best way, though... And she was just probably embarrassed when you called her out. My guess, anyway...

    You can curse in journals. Just in moderation and you can't bash anyone with it. That was a recent rule change. There is a thread with updated rules somewhere.

    I love spinach salad. XD
    July 10th, 2012 at 12:03am