Everyone! I need your creative minds! - Comments

  • tyler joseph.

    tyler joseph. (100)

    United States
    Laser tag? I mean, you COULD do that after you're 18, but I think the older you get, people will start giving you strange looks. Laser tag is pretty crazy and fun to me, though. If you do it with a whole bunch of your friends and make it competitive, than it'll probably be more fun.

    And I'd say get him a bounce house, but I have no idea how you would obtain one in a few days. XD or you can do what my best friend did at her 18th birthday party and have a water balloon fight. I thought it was really fun, but then again we act like we're ten years old most of the time.
    July 10th, 2012 at 02:39pm
  • Amethyst Violet

    Amethyst Violet (200)

    Illegal scavanger hunt!
    My friend used to have his WAY more illegal back in the day. One of his items on the list was steal his old neighbourhoods sign. It's never been replaced!

    Now he has things that involve being naked and doing things..
    Mind you this is for other people and not the birthday boy..

    But it's still awesome.
    He then has tons of things that has to happen in front of him
    Drink a whole bottle of hot sauce, an eating as fast as you can (the food could be questionable but not expired)
    One member has to be drunk the whole time, male member has to be in drag the whole time etc..

    If you like this idea please message me. I do have one of the list from a couple years ago.

    Also it always took place either at 9pm or 10pm and took 3-4 hours then you went back to his place for the group stuff.

    Also.. this is all done with a car. A team fits inside and they drive around town to do this. Has to have a cell phone, a camera, and $25 entry fee. (cash prize for the top 3 teams)
    July 10th, 2012 at 12:13pm