I Just Got A Copper I.U.D. - Comments

  • I didnt mean that people were saying it was "normal", more so that it seemed to be the norm. I should have been more clear. But I do agree with you, everyone is different.

    And thank you, I really hope the pain dies off soon.
    July 14th, 2012 at 06:23pm
  • I think your doctor told you 1-5 hours of pain is normal because if you have more than that, they want you to come back in for a check up. Just because people on the internet claim their day long pain is normal doesn't mean it is.

    I hate it when people post stuff like that about their medical problems- what if some girl got an IUD and had pain for two days thinking it was normal, but really had a terrible infection? Not everyone is like you and smart enough to know "I should call and check." But anyways, I hope everything turns out to be ok for you!
    July 14th, 2012 at 05:49pm