Who Watched Mermaids On Discovery Channel :D - Comments

  • Haha, my mom made me watch it! She said it was real and what not.

    But while lurking online, I found out that the documentary was fake and they just had actors to play scientists, so they can get their theory out without all the information required to back it up.

    But I still believe that their are unknown creatures out there in the world still to be discovered!
    July 17th, 2012 at 04:14am
  • Me and my parents watched it and my dad thought it was super real but me and my mom knew it was fake. Now the place that the scientists claimed to work for came out and said that the scientists on the show never worked for them and that the only part that was real about it was the recordings of the unidentified species.
    July 16th, 2012 at 06:56pm