Tattoos and Piercings - Comments

  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    I don't think tattoos have to mean something to a person. There doesn't have to be a deep meaningful reason behind why the person got it. As long as each person is happy with their tattoo, it's to me irrelevant why they got it. I want to cover up one of my tattoos (not because I don't like it, but because the tattoo artist did a really horrid job and it looks all wonky) with a chinese dragon, or a koi fish, or something else awesome. Not because there'll be a deep story behind it, but because I think they're beautiful and would love to have one on my body.

    I love tattoos, I've got seven of them, and most of them have a thought behind them, but I have a Mighty Boosh tattoo which I genuinely got because "the show's funny and it's such a funny picture".

    I also have my lip, tongue and cheeks pierced, because I think they're awesome. I've had my nostril and septum pierced too, and I want to re-pierce my nostril.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 12:37pm
  • Lee Hi;

    Lee Hi; (285)

    United States
    I like tattoos and want to get one when I'm old enough. I like to have a good reason too; I was planning on getting more than one but the ideas for those weren't as sentimental. I don't really mind piercings but, personally, I'm not going any farther than my ears. On other people, I don't really care about piercings but sometimes if it's a bit overboard, like piercings everywhere on their face, it kind of turns me off. On other places I don't mind either, but I find it a bit weird when people want to get their special places pierced. Same goes for tattoos. Sometimes I don't mind when someone has a lot of tattoos because it works for them but some people go overboard and it looks tacky.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:40am
  • Rebel Love

    Rebel Love (100)

    United States
    That's awesome! I've always had a thing for lip rings, but I can't see myself getting one... But nose rings are pretty cute!
    July 23rd, 2012 at 09:00am
  • birdievanity

    birdievanity (100)

    United States
    I love em! I think their freaking great, to be honest! When im older, im getting alot of tats, plus snakebits and possibly stud in my noseee:)
    July 23rd, 2012 at 08:55am