July 23rd '12 - Comments

  • Miz Erie

    Miz Erie (970)

    United States
    I clicked on this because of the date. I honestly thought this might hav been in reference to International MCR Day, being the overly obsessed fan I am.

    Even after I figured out wasn't, something made me keep reading.

    First of all, my condolences on your loss.

    I have no idea why things like this happen. I've lost many people in my life, and I have been left shaking my fist at the sky while screaming "Why?" myself. I've never gotten an answer. I know how hard it is to live with that.

    The main reason I'm writing is about the teddy bear thing, though. One of the people I lost was my three month old son. He was very sick when he was born, and he just didn't have the strength to pull through it. At his funeral, I had filled his over-sized coffin with pictures, toys, and "his" favorite blanket. Others also brought tokens of love in the form of toys to add to it. I treasure those things! I can't place a reason for why I do, but they bring me comfort. All of his stuff brings me comfort, to hold them and look at them, to remember him. Over the years, I have let somethings go, but I will never let it all go, never. I told you that to say this: if you feel right taking a teddy bear, take one. Don't worry with what other people are going to think. Express your grief however feel natural to you.

    (Great. Now I'm crying.)

    Hugs to you. If you need someone to talk to, you're welcome to PM me.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:14pm