Books - Comments

  • LucifersAdvocateIIII

    LucifersAdvocateIIII (100)

    United States
    I'm currently working on City of glass but yeah basically what Amorar said, I hardly read and when I do it's not usually teen fiction but occasionally I give in (mortal instruments)
    July 28th, 2012 at 08:52am
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    I don't read as high a number of books, but the books I read tend to be a little higher reading level (usually--I do occasionally read teen books and even children's books if they're ones I really loved as a kid). I think so far this year I've read 23 books, plus my textbooks from college (since I don't read those cover-to-cover, I don't count them as books read), ranging from teen, children's, classics, nonfiction, historical fiction, etc.

    I wouldn't say I'd pick up "anything" and read it, because I have pretty high standards for literature for the most part (though I do like a relaxing easy read now and then, too), and because I'm not a fan of books where romance is the primary/only plot. But I definitely do have a passion for literature and I'm glad for the amazing books I've gotten to read.
    July 28th, 2012 at 02:59am