Speak Up They Say - Comments

  • Everyone is like that a some point. Just need to find something to talk about and it expands from there :) sometimes they don't message back then whatever don't think much of it. I'll love to talk to you if you need someone to rant on about. I'm a great listener and basically on every day :)
    August 14th, 2012 at 04:48am
  • I barely talk to anyone on here and in real life too, there's only two people I talk to: My boyfriend and my best friend Mel and even then we only talk about specific topics that we have in common.
    Not many people want to hear me talk about how aweome Game of Thrones is or what the latest Nostalgia Critic review was.
    August 1st, 2012 at 08:14pm
  • I have the same issue. I have this really weird sense of humor, and sometimes offend people without even noticing and they stop talking to me. Others it's just like they don't get me and think I'm to outsmart them or something, when all I'm trying to do is having intellectual conversation; every now and then it's nice to talk about something smart, right? Oh boy...
    August 1st, 2012 at 07:56pm