New House Has A Cemetery Say What! | Questions - Comments

  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    1. I wouldn't move into a house with a cemetary. I'm not really interest in the paranormal and I don't plan on being around it.

    2. I'm... okay, I guess. Been lazy for a while and I don't know what I'm going to do for this one year (long story).

    3. My favorite color's purple. It's the best color ever.

    4. My list is too long. I can't just say one person.

    5. Hahaha, I'd do everything I didn't get to do and want to do.

    6. I like track and I like gymnastics. Those are my favorite. Sometimes I watch other things like swimming and whatnot.
    August 14th, 2012 at 02:41am
  • MayaAngelou0524

    MayaAngelou0524 (100)

    United States
    Hi! I love blogs with questions Very Happy!

    1. I don't think so. I would start thinking about ghosts and stuff and once I get an idea into my head, it's hard to get it out. I think it's because I write Very Happy.

    2. I'm great! Thanks for asking!

    3. Purple! Then blue, then yellow Smile

    4. Maya Angelou! She is my inspiration :).

    5. ...that's a hard one. I think I'd spend the entire day surrounded by friends, family and music. And maybe just living outrageously. You know, go up to my crush and kiss him, jump off a cliff into water (although I'm not a strong swimmer lmfao), things like that.

    6. I don't really watch it. The closing ceremony (what I saw anyway) was great! Oasis performed and so did Queen! Queen's my favorite band, although I didn't really like that they performed with Jessie J. I like her, but she's no Freddie Mercury...

    So yeah! Smile
    August 13th, 2012 at 08:41pm
  • MayaAngelou0524

    MayaAngelou0524 (100)

    United States
    Hi! I love blogs with questions Very Happy!

    1. I don't think so. I would start thinking about ghosts and stuff and once I get an idea into my head, it's hard to get it out. I think it's because I write Very Happy.

    2. I'm great! Thanks for asking!

    3. Purple! Then blue, then yellow Smile

    4. Maya Angelou! She is my inspiration :).

    5. ...that's a hard one. I think I'd spend the entire day surrounded by friends, family and music. And maybe just living outrageously. You know, go up to my crush and kiss him, jump off a cliff into water (although I'm not a strong swimmer lmfao), things like that.

    6. I don't really watch it. The closing ceremony (what I saw anyway) was great! Oasis performed and so did Queen! Queen's my favorite band, although I didn't really like that they performed with Jessie J. I like her, but she's no Freddie Mercury...

    So yeah! Smile
    August 13th, 2012 at 08:41pm