...Again, fanfiction help and a few questions. Please answer! - Comments

  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    I need fanfiction help too, to be honest. Mine is mostly with plot help and stuff like that but I don't anyone has seen Durarara here and can help me. x.x (Sorry if it's irrelevant to what you said... you can ignore this. ^^)
    August 17th, 2012 at 02:26am
  • ChristinaZomby

    ChristinaZomby (100)

    United States
    Aww, first of all<33

    And second, It's not that hard. Just write about an everyday situation or something off the wall. Whatever it is, I'm sure people will read it.
    If you need any help/inspiration you could always message me or whatever.
    August 16th, 2012 at 07:13am
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    I don't search for Motionless in White fanfiction, sorry /:

    But it's hard being a fan fiction writer. Most fan fiction stories, not all, are pretty cliche and have horrible plots. But it's not to insult them: if they are proud of their story, then let them be proud of it. They're writing something and like the feedback, so more power to them.

    I personally find that creating a plot for fan fiction can be hard at times. It's hard basing a story off of real people. But, sometimes the best stories happen while the band is on tour in the story. Other times authors go the other way and don't include the band and their activities too much, and that gives the author more plots, IMO. I tend to have the band at home when I write my stories, so that way I can have it seem like a somewhat normal story, where the band isn’t touring. Part of the reason I don’t write about bands being on tour is because I’m afraid of having to write out a playing scene, and I don’t think I’d be able to do that.

    It all depends on the author, really. If you feel that using a guideline to plan your plot will help you then Google things such as ‘how to create a plot’ and use those guides. If you find that they are a pain and make you want to rip out hair, then wing it. But make sure that there is a purpose to the story. Nothing feels worse to me when I watch an author create chapter after chapter without giving the story a real plot, only having the story consist of partying, sex and touring. You can include these things into the story, but a plot is always helpful when trying to make a story long! d:

    The guideline I follow? I try and create my fictional character. I like to Google lists of adjectives and copy and paste them into word. Then I delete the ones that contradict each other. I also like to look at Horoscope books. They are excellent for creating characters! Most have detailed personality traits, and it’s fun to look through the book and chose a few traits from each sign. Of course, they have to have an equal amount of flaws. I find it to be true when people say flawless characters are horrible. It’s annoying to read about a perfect character.

    Of course I also come up with a main idea. And at times I’ve taken small things from movies and changed them to fit my plot. But really, I have no set way of creating a fan fiction.

    And to the Polyvore question: at times it irritates me. I feel as is the author is trying to force their character’s outfits upon me. At other times I enjoy it because it does help me visualize what they were wearing. But I don’t see a real point in putting a link at the bottom unless the author has mentioned what they were wearing.

    Good luck with that Motionless in White fan fic
    August 16th, 2012 at 05:58am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    I can't help you with Motionless in White fanfiction especifically (sorry) but I'm a proud fanfiction writer :)

    Normally when writing fanfiction I write the first chapter, the last one and then one or another chapter in the middle, then I go back to the start and write a few lines describing each chapter I'm going to develop later, so I won't lose my focus and go in the wrong direction or start writing random stuff that doesn't matter to the story.

    As for the outline, you should give your characters a problem to be dealt with, something they need to solve as the story progresses -it's called the main conflict and it should be presented right in the first chapters, but the solution will only come only by the end.

    Personally I don't care about Polyvore links. To be completely honest, 9 times out of 10 I simply ignore them, but I don't hate the author for it. It only irks me when I find them in the middle of the story replacing proper description, what's against Mibbas rules btw.

    Good luck with your writing ;)
    August 16th, 2012 at 01:29am
  • Valiente

    Valiente (200)

    United States
    Addressing your first question, I can't say I've come across any different fanfics, but I'll keep my eye out.

    As for your second question, I do things a little differently than other people, so I don't know if this will help any. If I'm doing a fanfic about a famous musical artist, I'll listen to the artist's music until everything starts to unfold in my mind. If I'm basing it off of a TV show or movie, I'll watch the movie or episodes of that TV show until the ideas start coming. If I'm basing it off of a book, I'll read that book over and over again. It takes a while, but I find it very helpful.

    I hope I was of help! -A
    August 16th, 2012 at 01:18am