Contest!! A Sequel to Beasts - Comments

  • xoxdiebearxox

    xoxdiebearxox (350)

    United States
    @ azela28
    Thank you very much for your thoughts! :D And I love your title :)
    August 31st, 2012 at 03:44pm
  • azela28

    azela28 (100)

    United States
    So many questions this time around!! I'll offer my thoughts: :D
    It's been a while so i had to go back and read the last chapter, and following that train of thought (4) Toshiya is definitely a wild card here. As a character he could join up with the rest, but there will definitely be tensions between him and Kyo, or he could just be an independently moving character doing what he wants as he has before ( unless there is some unknown past we have yet to hear about from him as well :P)
    (3) It wasn't clear to me but did Kyo ever really lose his chance? Yes, Die did confess right at the end, but I also feel that the previous actions Kyo put forward will not be forgotten so soon; i.e) that whole insert soul into Ai part seemed pretty deep to me.
    (1)/(2) As much as I also want the rest of the "family" to be reunited, Kyo and Die's characters beg for a clash. Maybe being separated for a while would be best considering the now different nature and condition of Die? (who knows but you XD ).
    (5) You have potentially have a lot going on for you here with your very lose ending, and just my own comment I would like to see a little more character interaction instead among the 3 main ones. It would be a nice side story I feel.

    Your title??? Yea, I'll agree with you that angels and demons is a tad over done :3
    At first I was thinking of about Pandora with respect to Ai's character, but then that lead to Theodicy which lead to my only thought...Pandemonium.

    Well, what ever you can imagine I'm sure will fit much better. Good luck with this and classes!!
    August 31st, 2012 at 06:00am
  • xoxdiebearxox

    xoxdiebearxox (350)

    United States
    @ Oceanid.
    @ AmonX

    Thank you for your comments! I will take them into consideration as I continue writing!
    August 31st, 2012 at 01:18am
  • AmonX

    AmonX (100)

    United States
    1-I want them to unite, but there are obvious problems and it almost seems like an inner conflict with herself. Which I like! However, having her keep her distance would be a good idea as well!

    2. To be honest, I like a lot of chaos in a story, (organized chaos) and it's nice to go back and forth with each specific charcter you are focusing on. (Keeps readers going I think) but really this is where you need to break your boundries on conflict!

    3. lol well I think it would be neat to do both! Sure Kyo could just be cold for a while hell make him mean, but realize he has a soft spot despite what he is.

    4. Of course vengance! I'm a vengeful person! Lol. Actually theres a few levels of vengeance! Maybe some retribution would be could for Toshiya, but at the same time, organized chaos!

    5. OVer all, I'm super excited for this sequel! Keep it out there! Like you said cross boundaries! Don't hold back! you'd be surprised what you can reach when you don't think about it when writing! It'll be so awesome to see it I'm super excited!

    As for names, mmm well Angels and Demons is good but yes over used a lot. heres a few I have for you...

    1. Solutions
    2. Bottle (You have to fill a bottle for it to be useful right? and currently Kyo is grouchy, Die is happy and Toshiya is grouchy, so fill the bottle)

    and my favorite is number 3. Into Bottomless Darkness
    August 30th, 2012 at 05:35am
  • Oceanid.

    Oceanid. (100)

    United States
    1. I hope Ai and her 'family' will eventually reunite, since the ending of Beasts had her thinking it was all a dream. If they do reunite, I'd hope to see her interact a little more with the others though I can understand the reasoning of her not interacting with them in Beasts as it was for her own safety.

    2. Ah, major conflict... I'd say the first seemed as if the main conflict was about Kixx and Ai's relationship and what Kixx would do(I say seemed because I could be wrong), so I'd go with the conflict being Ai dealing with the reveal fo Die's past as well as dealing wiht the others.

    3. XD I feel like this is going to be the most unpopular opinion ever, but... I think Kyo should get a second chance. I have to be honest here, as much as I love Die I was rooting for Kyo for almost the entirety of the story.

    4. I'd go with Toshiya uniting with the rest of the beasts since vengeance seems like the common thing to do. I imagine Toshiya would be touchy about the subject of Kixx and wouldn't be the nicest beastie ever...
    August 30th, 2012 at 05:09am