Respecting the Rev - Comments

  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    @ krys69123
    yeah, that's why I made sure to give a warning. I know exactly what you mean. as much as I miss Jimmy myself, I feel like the worst part is actually the immense sympathy I feel for those guys. it sucks, cause they're such awesome people and I wish they didn't have to go through that. and yeah, there's really nothing anyone can do, which makes it even worse. I do think they've gotten better though. and I think having Arin has added a lot of life and energy back into the band, so I really hope they stick with him. :)

    I hope so too. I'd love to learn anything about Jimmy that those close to him would like to share. and exactly. maybe those fans don't know that they're planning a documentary. I follow deathbat news religiously so... yeah, haha. But no, I agree with you 100%. Even if they mean well, it's not their/our place to ask for information or any of that kind of stuff.
    September 1st, 2012 at 11:30pm
  • krys69123

    krys69123 (100)

    United States
    @ rarelytiredlights
    Holy crap. Ok, so I KNEW better than to watch that video, but... I wanted to see what was said and all of that good jazz and so now I'm just heartbroken. It is so incredibly hard for me to listen to Matt, Johnny, Syn, or Zacky talk about Jimmy and listen as their voice changes, watch how their facial expressions change and NOT feel for them and since I'm the kind of person that I am... I just want to give them huge hugs and make it all better somehow. I guess that is the hardest thing about losing someone, there is no way to make it better. You'll learn to cope with it over time but it never gets better or easier.

    I do hope that they release a documentary about Jimmy. I do want to know more about the man who has made such an impact on my life, but I guess my thinking of how that is different from those that want to make their own documentary is that THEY are allowing us in. THEY are sharing him with us. Instead of us badgering them for more details, more information, more stories. Maybe my attitude is wrong, but everyone has an opinion.
    September 1st, 2012 at 06:35am
  • OctoberA7X

    OctoberA7X (100)

    United States
    Much agreement leave his fam alone...and if they wanna make a movie the awesome if they don't they don't...
    September 1st, 2012 at 06:10am
  • amimarievee

    amimarievee (100)

    United States
    @ Bob Dylan
    Actually it's not so much you (you didn't even offend me tbh), it's the 'I doubt it'd even be that interesting. Mediocre drummer who died? Big deal.' That is very rude and I am very offended by that. I mean it could have been left at 'I doubt it'd even be that interesting.' and I wouldn't even care. But Jimmy was definitely not a mediocre drummer (he was a great drummer and this is MY opinion- along with a lot of other people who play drums) and it is a big deal that he died. Everyone around him loved him... just like maybe you love one of your family members or friends. He was a great person and he doesn't deserve to have people say those things about him and maybe you don't care about that, but I definitely do. It is just uncalled for to say unnecessary, rude things about him and that's what bothers me. & if you know anything about The Rev, his life was anything but boring. You don't like The Rev? That's fine, but don't go on someone's blog which is about The Rev and say rude and unnecessary things about him. Go ahead and say you don't like the idea of the documentary because you never liked The Rev, but don't disrespect him. & ya know maybe I was wrong to say 'FUCK YOU' or whatever, but maybe I said it because I just wanted to be as disrespectful to them as I felt like they were to me. I feel like when someone disrespects Jimmy, they are disrespecting me. I mean, I do have him tattoo'd on me.
    September 1st, 2012 at 03:06am
  • tempest.

    tempest. (180)

    United States
    I don't think some random people who only knew 'The Rev' and not James Owen Sullivan should have the right to make a documentary or even have the nerve to ask permission to. If someone were to make a documentary about Jimmy, it should at least be someone who knew him and his views on life. For example, his band members or possibly his family. & to the people who are talking shit about Jimmy FUCK YOU. You have no respect and I have NO respect for you. How would you feel if someone close to you died? Mediocre drummer or not, you wouldn't be very pleased if someone talked shit about your dead brother would you? Jimmy was a beautiful person and an amazing, passionate and very talented drummer. Have you ever seen any of the videos of him playing drums? He was amazing and some of the most talented drummers out there would agree. He played everything by ear and you have to have a lot of passion and talent to be able to do that.(Do you even play?) So, before you go talking shit about someone so amazing and beautiful, you should go reevaluate yourself first. Jimmy was someone who seemed unearthly and he was a lot better than all of us. So GTFO if you just read the title and came to piss people off. Well, maybe it worked, but in the end it will be you who is so bored and lonely that they have to come to people's blogs just to try and piss them off. You have no life and you are pathetic. End of story. (sorry to the author for all of the language and what not, but I always gotta have Jimmy's back)
    You're not going to get your point across by telling someone "fuck you". Just FYI. No one is going to take that serious, if that's what you're going for.

    If you're speaking to me, (which I assume you are), no. I didn't read the title to come and "piss people off". LOL. It's funny that someone thinks that I did, though. But, that simply isn't the case.

    Your opinion that Avenged Sevenfold's drummer was "talented, beautiful, and passionate" and "better than all of us" is just that. An opinion. An opinion that I respect (unlike how you seem to disrespect differing ones? Hmm.), but do not agree with. That's okay. Move on.

    Asking if I play drums or not has nothing to do with anything. LOL.

    I'm not so "bored and lonely" that I come to blogs to piss people off. LOL. No. I have a life and I am not "pathetic". Despite what your rather bitter opinion is about me (but you've never even had a conversation with me? right.).

    BTW, being able to play-by-ear is not rare.

    Your opinion is not fact. Neither is mine, but I do respect yours.

    LOL. K.
    August 31st, 2012 at 09:40pm
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    I agree that it isn't really our place as fans to do that, even though I'm sure they mean well.

    but since we're on the subject, the band has stated plans to make a jimmy documentary. Matt mentions it first here and also during this performance of 'so far away' (which is pretty emotional, just as a warning.) since they've already done interviews and filmed performances, I'm sure it will come out eventually. it's just unclear when.
    August 31st, 2012 at 07:06pm
  • Immortality X MUSIC

    Immortality X MUSIC (100)

    Couldn't Agree More!!!!!
    August 31st, 2012 at 05:54pm
  • amimarievee

    amimarievee (100)

    United States
    I don't think some random people who only knew 'The Rev' and not James Owen Sullivan should have the right to make a documentary or even have the nerve to ask permission to. If someone were to make a documentary about Jimmy, it should at least be someone who knew him and his views on life. For example, his band members or possibly his family. & to the people who are talking shit about Jimmy FUCK YOU. You have no respect and I have NO respect for you. How would you feel if someone close to you died? Mediocre drummer or not, you wouldn't be very pleased if someone talked shit about your dead brother would you? Jimmy was a beautiful person and an amazing, passionate and very talented drummer. Have you ever seen any of the videos of him playing drums? He was amazing and some of the most talented drummers out there would agree. He played everything by ear and you have to have a lot of passion and talent to be able to do that.(Do you even play?) So, before you go talking shit about someone so amazing and beautiful, you should go reevaluate yourself first. Jimmy was someone who seemed unearthly and he was a lot better than all of us. So GTFO if you just read the title and came to piss people off. Well, maybe it worked, but in the end it will be you who is so bored and lonely that they have to come to people's blogs just to try and piss them off. You have no life and you are pathetic. End of story. (sorry to the author for all of the language and what not, but I always gotta have Jimmy's back)
    August 31st, 2012 at 05:12pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    I don't think those people are assuming they have a right to make the documentary... they're asking for permission, and I don't see the harm in that. They could make the documentary without permission if they wanted to.
    August 31st, 2012 at 04:37pm
  • tempest.

    tempest. (180)

    United States
    People shouldn't make money off of someone else. Dead or not. I don't care if it's some modern drummer, an Old Hollywood actress, or the President of the United States.

    I agree with The Zac, though. Ahaha.
    The Zac:
    I doubt it'd even be that interesting. Mediocre drummer who died? Big deal.
    August 31st, 2012 at 02:00pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)


    Avenged and all of Jimmy's family and friends have suffered enough. There's no need to revisit the worst event of their lives just so some small group of people can benefit from a movie about Jimmy's death. If his family wants a movie made, it's up to them to make it. Otherwise, they deserve to be left alone and to move on, and for Jimmy to rest in peace.
    August 31st, 2012 at 01:07pm
  • krys69123

    krys69123 (100)

    United States
    I truly feel that Jimmy gave the world everything that he wanted us to know. I also feel that So Far Away is a short film/documentary/tribute to an amazing musician that they had the privilege to know, love, and work with. I feel that everything that has been made public is more than enough for people to appreciate the man that he was, and the musician/artist that he was. Everything else is just being rude and greedy.

    By the way there is a part 2 to this so check it out :D and sadly as of writing this the number has increased to 672.
    Feel free to share this just please credit me cuz I spent a lot of time getting the words down that I felt needed to be said and ya know all that jazz. I'm Krys69123 on here and uniquelylethalkiss on Tumblr (where it is also posted)
    August 31st, 2012 at 11:17am
  • a7xaddictfoREVer

    a7xaddictfoREVer (100)

    United States
    i absolutely agree with you 100% percent

    i think people forget that "celebrities" who ever they may be are just normal people. they don't want people in their face all the time knowing every aspect of their life.I personally think that fans of anyone rather it be a band or an artist or an actor or what they do just need to treat them like they are one of your friends...and treat them with respect.
    August 31st, 2012 at 09:11am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    In my opinion, if there was ever a short film or documentary about The Rev's life, then it's up to his family or the band to make it. I mean, they're they ones that knew him, knew who he really was, so they're the only one's qualified to put something like that out there. In a way, I suppose the band did do something similar with the film clip of So Far Away... it was a tribute to their friendship and it was very sweet (I too cried my eyes out when I watched it... it was impossible not to) and more than enough. We lost a great drummer and member of an awesome band, but their loss was way more personal than that.

    It's kind of disrespectful of these people to think they have the right to take it on themselves to do it. Who do they think they are? And exactly how accurate could it be if they didn't even know him personally? Even with recounts of stories from people who were, it would still be done from the perspective of someone who only knows the public side of him. Like the rest of us. And who's to say Jimmy would want his whole life mapped out in a film anyways? I'm sure he'd like the private moments shared with friends and family to stay private... meant only for those he cared for.

    Anyways, I believe I rambled enough... basically all I wanted to say was that I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly and hope these people realise how inappropriate the idea is before ever taking it to the band or Jimmy's family.
    August 31st, 2012 at 07:53am
  • The Zac

    The Zac (100)

    I doubt it'd even be that interesting. Mediocre drummer who died? Big deal.
    August 31st, 2012 at 07:01am
  • adam driver.

    adam driver. (100)

    United States
    i couldn't agree more!
    August 31st, 2012 at 06:41am
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    Amen sistah.
    Give the man some peace.
    August 31st, 2012 at 06:38am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    I agree wholeheartedly with you. A fan-made movie honoring him is one thing, but to actually intrude upon his friends and family for information? That's not right. Those closest to him will never forget him, and they certainly don't want to, but they ARE trying to move on and let The Rev rest in peace. I believe we carry on his memory by continuing to love and support Avenged Sevenfold and all that he worked on, by recounting our show stories (for those of us lucky enough to have seen him), and by recounting stories of encountering him (for those lucky enough to have met him). Fans want to know EVERYTHING, but it doesn't work that way. As you said, celebrities have personal lives, too. Just because they do something that skyrockets them to fame doesn't mean the fans should get to pry into every aspect of their lives.
    August 31st, 2012 at 05:31am